Miss Jones

Thie children in Kingfishers Class became ‘artists’ and thought about the question – Can we make a 3D sculpture? The children recapped over the artist Andy Goldsworthy and his work. The children were asked to create a 3D sculpture made from natural materials like Andy Goldsworthy. The children planned their work by arranging the flowers […]

Kingfishers Class had great fun celebrating 100 days at school! To celebrate our 100 days of school, Mandy the school cook baked us a lovely cake! Thank you Mandy, it was delicious! The children had lots of challenges to complete in 100 seconds – Writing their name, seeing how many pegs they could put in […]

The Year One children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question – Can we create a pattern from clay? The children watched a presentation about insects, spiders and snails. The children discussed how many legs each creature had. They discussed the snail had one large flat foot and discussed that the snail had a shell. […]

This half term, the children in Kingfishers Class will be focusing on Plants in Science – Do all plants look the same? The children thought about the question – Can we find out what a plant is? The children thought about how they could answer their enquiry question. The children were asked to plant a […]

We had lots of fun at games club! The children worked as a team developing their communication skills, turn taking skills and listening skills. Great teamwork everyone!

The children have been having lots of fun using the new balance bikes. The children wore a cycle helmet while using the balance bikes so they can promote safe cycling.

This half term the Year One children have been creating their own book – We’re Going On A Dinosaur Hunt. The children created story maps and photographed their own scenes to help them recall their ideas. The children have written their own stories. The Reception children worked together to create their version of We’re Going […]

The children were all very excited as they received a letter! Miss Jones opened it and read the letter to the children. It was a letter from Sue and Graham – the people who came and presented the dinosaur workshop!

The children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question – Can we create natural 3D landscape pictures of dinosaurs, using found objects? The children found out about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and focused on his working methods and approaches and created a dinosaur using natural materials. The children showed great perseverance as it was quite […]

The children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question – Can we explore playdough and its properties to create a dinosaur? The children listened to instructions and explored the play dough. The children were asked to create their own dinosaur sculpture. The children looked at the models of the dinosaurs and set to work making […]

The children became Palaeontologists. The children thought about what they would need to help them – hammer, brush, bag and spade. The children got their bags ready and got busy trying to find the fossils. The children were very careful and said it was going to take a long time to find them. The children […]

The children were introduced to their enquiry question for this half term – How is our school and local area affected by the seasons? The Year One children were asked to think about the question and Mrs Clark recorded their answers. The Reception children were asked to tell Miss Jones about the word weather and […]