Miss Jones

In Art the Reception children designed and made a mandala which can be used as a sun catcher. They used flower petals and leaves to create a circular pattern which they tried to make symmetrical. Amazing art work.

Mrs Gage talked to the children about Remembrance Day. Mrs Gage then read the children a story called ‘Where the Poppies Now Grow’. Mrs Gage showed the children a tin and told the children there was words in the tin from the story. The children tool it in turns to choose a word and they […]

The children became designers. They were asked to design and make a moving firework picture book. Before they started designing they explored and evaluated a range of existing products. The children then starting planning their moving firework picture book based on the design criteria and the rhyme – Remember, Remember the Fifth of November. Once […]

The children became artists and created a group piece of abstract artwork that represented fireworks. Mrs Clark demonstrated how to use the painting resources – teabags dipped in paint and then thrown, dabble or wiped; paintbrushes to flick paint, long or short stokes or dabs; string dipped in paint and dragged across the paper or […]

The children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question – Can we understand that artists can tell stories with their work? The children watched a video showing them how to draw a cityscape using lines and patterns! The background for their drawing was going to be inspired by artist Wassily Kandinsky! The children got busy […]

The children were very excited to create their firework pictures. The children cut out a circle and placed the it into the salad spinner. The children choose the colours they wanted and dripped and tapped the paint on to the circle. When they had selected the colours they put the lid on top and spun […]

The children in Year One became ‘artists’ and thought about the question – Can we draw in the style of Kandinsky using different media to create a picture of the Houses of Parliament? The children learnt about the artist Kandinsky and used his artwork to inspire them. The children explored and experimented with different drawing […]

The children worked together to make lemonade. The children listened to the instructions and washed their hands ready to start. The children were able to follow the instructions by looking at the photographs. The children were able to use the squeezer to make lemon juice. They mixed the sugar into the lemon juice and watched […]

The children were asked to to direct Beebot to different London landmarks. They followed instructions on how to work Beebot and then listened to the directions given to them, understanding words such as forward, turn, left and right. They then wanted to continue playing with Beebot and took it in turns giving each other instructions. […]

This half term in Geography the Year One children are exploring London. This week the children were able to identify and describe landmarks of London. The children were challenged to walk around the classroom, looking at the London landmark cards to answer questions, ticking the boxes to show the correct answer. Great work Kingfishers.

Kingfishers Class were very excited as they had received a very important letter. Miss Jones opened the envelope and read the letter from Richenda Elton (Lady in Waiting) who was writing on behalf of the Queen. The letter was thanking the children for sending congratulations cards for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

The children were very excited about digging up the potatoes and seeing how many they got. The children dug through the soil with their hands collecting the potatoes. The children had to look carefully to make sure they hadn’t left any. With support, the children were able to weigh their potatoes and understand that they […]