Miss Jones
On Monday 25th March, we said goodbye to our finished Elmer as he was returned to the Elmer team ready for photographs to be taken for the trail. We have all enjoyed taking part in the decoration of Elmer and are very pleased with how our Elmer looks. We would like to say a big […]
On Friday 29th March, it was the turn of the Kingfishers to perform their second assembly of the school year. The children were confident to stand up and talk to the audience. The children proudly talked about what they had been learning about. The children told the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and sang […]
Kingfishers received a very special delivery at the beginning of March. It said ‘Urgent! Open immediately!’ The children were intrigued to find out what was inside. Miss Jones opened the box and showed the children two pots. Miss Jones told the children that we will be looking after the caterpillars and watching them grow and […]
On Thursday 21st March we celebrated ‘National Forestry Day’ with the children from Orchard Barns. They sent us a letter inviting us to take part in a bug house building competition. The children worked in groups creating a bug home. They collected different materials from the wood area and worked together to build their structure. […]
The children have been enjoying the new books they received from the ‘Books for Schools’ campaign in the Evening Star and East Anglian newspapers. Thank you again for collecting the tokens and supporting us. Please remember we are now collecting the Lego tokens from the newspaper.
The children in Woodpeckers class had the opportunity to work with Mrs Fisk to decorate Elmer. The children decorated their initial with different patterns and created feathers. The children also painted their own square for the patchwork trees. Great work Woodpeckers.
The children have been learning all about Shrove Tuesday. The children have had lots of fun designing their own pancakes, taking part in pancake races, writing instructions on how to make pancakes and actually making pancakes. The children really enjoyed eating them.
During the half term break, the children’s homework was to enter an Elmer Competition to win a £5 voucher to spend at our book fair. The children were asked to design a book cover for Elmer to celebrate his 30th birthday. The children had to make sure it was eye-catching and the design included the […]
The children joined Miss Jones for phonics club after school. The children took played phonics games – reading words and deciding whether the word was a real or nonsense word. Great work Kingfishers.
The children have been learning about place value within 50. The children chose a number from 0 – 50 and represented the number in different ways. They used Numicon, Base Ten, Place Value Counters and the Whole Part Model. Great work Kingfishers.
In Science the children have been investigating different materials and their properties. The children completed an experiment where they investigated which was the best material to make an umbrella from. The children made a prediction, observed carefully and recorded their results. Great experiment Kingfishers.
What a lovely few days back at school.The children have been making the most of the sunny weather. They enjoyed exploring the outside area, accessing all of the different areas of learning (especially the loud music area!) in the sunshine. Lots of imagination, communication and role play taking place. Let’s hope the good weather continues!