Miss Jones

Suffolk Show

by | 5 May 2019 | News

Our Elmer ‘Swanning around Stratford’ will be at the Suffolk Show on Wednesday 29th and Thursday 30th May 2019. If you are going, make sure you pop in and have a look at all of the young Elmer’s on display. They will be on Stand 247 (blue). You will also be able to pick up […]

Kingfishers Class Phonics Shared Learning Session

by | 5 May 2019 | English, Kingfishers, Parents

The children took part in their shared learning session today. The children welcomed their family members into school. The children played phonics games with their family members. The children demonstrated how they sounded out words to read them. Thank you for coming to our shared learning session, we hope you enjoyed it.

Fun Fractions

by | 5 May 2019 | Kingfishers, Maths

This week the Year One children have been learning about fractions. The children became builders at the Primary Building Company. They were challenged to find half of a quantity. They had to weigh cubes (bricks), measure the wool (wood) and measure the water (for the cement). The children were able to use their mathematical knowledge […]

Archie’s Arrival

by | 5 May 2019 | Kingfishers, News

The children in Kingfishers Class have been celebrating the arrival of the royal baby. The children were given the challenge of naming the baby. The year one children thought of a name for each letter of the alphabet and the reception children thought of their favourite name. The children found out the weight of our […]

Sunflower Competition

by | 5 May 2019 | Community, Kingfishers, Science

Miss Jones entered Kingfishers Class to take part in Fillpots Schools Sunflower Competition. The children were told they were competing to grow the tallest sunflower. The children helped Miss Walker to plant the seeds. Miss Walker read the children the list of things of how best to grow the sunflowers.The children will be caring for […]

Root Vegetable Salad

by | 5 May 2019 | Design Technology, Kingfishers

Miss Jones and the children talked about healthy and unhealthy foods and why they need to eat a variety of food. The children were encouraged to taste three different root vegetable salads (coleslaw, potato salad and beetroot salad) and think about why they liked it. The children voted which one was their favourite and they […]

Fabulous Fruit Salad

by | 5 May 2019 | Design Technology, Kingfishers

The children enjoyed creating their own fruit salad. The children were able to select the fruit they liked and used their cutting skills to cut the fruit into pieces. The children also added orange juice. The children all tasted their fruit salad and really enjoyed it. Great work Kingfishers.

Book Fair

by | 4 Apr 2019 | Fundraising, Parents, School Events

Thank you to all the children and parents who supported our recent book fair. We raised £550.97 at our book fair which gives us £270.58 to spend on books for our school. We look forward to adding new titles to our shelves in the library.

Visit To The Vets

by | 4 Apr 2019 | Community, Kingfishers, Visits

On Tuesday 26th March, Kingfishers Class visited Penrose Vets to consolidate their learning about animals this half term. When we arrived at the vets we met veterinary nurse, Janet. Janet showed us the vets room and talked about what vets do and what animals need. Janet showed the children her pet tortoise called Sheldon. The […]

Goodbye Elmer

by | 4 Apr 2019 | Art & Design, Community, Fundraising, Kingfishers, Owls, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Monday 25th March, we said goodbye to our finished Elmer as he was returned to the Elmer team ready for photographs to be taken for the trail. We have all enjoyed taking part in the decoration of Elmer and are very pleased with how our Elmer looks. We would like to say a big […]

The Hungry Caterpillar

by | 4 Apr 2019 | Kingfishers, School Events

On Friday 29th March, it was the turn of the Kingfishers to perform their second assembly of the school year. The children were confident to stand up and talk to the audience. The children proudly talked about what they had been learning about. The children told the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and sang […]

Special Delivery

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Kingfishers, Science

Kingfishers received a very special delivery at the beginning of March. It said ‘Urgent! Open immediately!’ The children were intrigued to find out what was inside. Miss Jones opened the box and showed the children two pots. Miss Jones told the children that we will be looking after the caterpillars and watching them grow and […]