Miss Jones

This morning the children worked with a family member and created a model of their house. They planned what they were going to do and what they were going to use. They constructed their model using recycled materials. The children used their cutting and sticking skills. The children really enjoyed working with their family member and […]

On Wednesday 10th October, children, parents and staff took part in Walk to School. The staff provided a walking bus from both ends of Strickmere so children could be dropped off and then walked safely into school. It was lovely to see so many walking to school and to see a smaller amount of vehicles […]

The children created their own autumn tree. They went outside to look at the colours of the trunks and decided on green, brown and black. Back inside they tried very hard to colour inside the lines of the picture of the tree trunk. The children discussed what colour the leaves are in Autumn and decided […]

The children listened to and watched the story of Leaf Man. The children got their waterproof trousers and wellies on and walked sensibly to the outside wild area following Miss Jones. The children were given the task to collect different natural objects so they could create their own ‘Leaf Person’. The children were very proud […]

The children enjoyed another Forest Fun session focusing on ‘Superworm’. The children listened to the story before making a class ‘Superworm’ and walking to the outside classroom. Miss Jones explained to the children that they were going to make their own ‘Superworm’ using conkers – Miss Jones showed the children the one Mrs Clark had made one earlier, then […]

During the PE session with Mr Bassett, the children took part in challenges relating to targets. They rolled the ball to each other trying to get the ball between their friends legs and then they threw the bean bag trying to get it into the hoop each time. All the children displayed lots of determination and focus […]

Following the success of the spring campaign in the Ipswich Star and East Anglian Daily Times, Sports Equipment For Schools, the newspapers are now planning an equally exciting Autumn campaign which will see them give away over £20,000 worth of new books to primary and junior schools across the region. We have now registered for the ‘Books For […]

The children used the Numicon and the scales to work out which Numicon shape was ‘more’ and which was ‘less’. They then correctly put the greater number shape in the more column and the lower number Numicon in the less column. Great Maths work Kingfishers.

Children from Year One and Two joined Miss Jones for their first Book Club session on Thursday after school. The children listened to a story called ‘Jake’s First Day’. The story was about a boy called Jake and it was his first day at school. Jake’s teacher had planned a day all about pirates and Jake had […]

Kingfishers Class enjoyed their first Forest Fun session of the school year. The children looked for signs of Autumn as they walked to the outside classroom. Miss Jones set the children a challenge to work with a partner and to find as many creatures as they could. Miss Jones and Mrs Clark reminded the children to […]

Kingfishers Class received their Gold Wild Challenge Award. The children were very proud of their award and have worked very hard to achieve it. Kingfishers Class have made a considerable contribution to the welfare of the environment and wildlife in their local year. Great work Kingfishers!

Kingfishers Class performed their last assembly of the school year. The children were confident to stand up and talk to the audience. The children proudly talked about what they had been doing during the week which included their visit to Eyke Primary School to see their Pen Pals and their tiger tea party. They also talked about what […]