Mrs Bilner

Singing at the O2!

by | 2 Feb 2018 | Art & Design, Extracurricular, Owls, Swans, Trips

On Monday 29th January, Mrs Marshall, Mrs Bilner and Mrs Martin accompanied 20 children to the O2 in London where they joined approximately 7,700 other children to take part in the Young Voices choir.  After practising for many months in school and an afternoon of rehearsals at the O2, they performed their songs to a […]

A Midwife Crisis

by | 12 Dec 2017 | Kingfishers, Owls, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Thursday afternoon and evening, the children took to the stage to entertain visitors with their acting, singing and dancing in a whole school performance of ‘A Midwife Crisis’. Well done everyone and thank you to all those involved in planning and preparing for the show.  

Fabulous Fireworks

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Community, PTA, School Events

Saturday evening saw the 4th annual firework event at the school.  The grounds were  busy with people enjoying burgers, hog roast, mulled wine and other delicious items before watching the spectacular firework display and lighting of the bonfire.  All the many months of hard work and preparation had paid off with many people commenting on […]

Football Fun

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Classes

Mr Bassett and Mrs Bilner took some of our Year 2 boys to a football competition held at Inspire in Ipswich. The 5 a side tournament was attended by approximately 20 other primary schools.  The boys played 10 matches; won one, lost one and drew six.  They played really well, showed great skills and team […]

VolleyBall Enrichment

by | 11 Nov 2017 | PE

On Tuesday, Mr Leroux taught the children some skills, rules and tactics associated with volleyball.  They learnt new vocabulary such as ‘dig’, ‘set, ‘serve’, ‘smash’ and block. They used balloons to practise passing and catching in small groups before playing some matches against each other. Well done children and thank you Mr Leroux.  

Bikeability Success

by | 11 Nov 2017 | Achievements, Swans

On Monday and Tuesday, 12 of our Year 5 children took part in Bikeability training sessions. They learnt (amongst other things) how to check their own bikes to ensure they were road-worthy, how to start and stop safely as well as perform some manoeuvres on the road. All the children concentrated and listened really well […]

Poetry Success

by | 10 Oct 2017 | Achievements, English, Swans

Several poems from Key Stage 2 were submitted to the Suffolk Young Poets Competition. One of our Year 5’s was successful in being commended for her poem and attended an awards ceremony and workshop. Well done!  

Table Tennis

by | 10 Oct 2017 | PE, Swans

8 children from the Swans class recently took part in a table tennis tournament.  The 4 boys and 4 girls, competed against other schools at St. Joseph’s College in Ipswich.  Everyone played really well with the girls making the semi-finals. Well done to all involved.  

Swans Visit the Coast

by | 10 Oct 2017 | Geography, Swans, Visits

As part of their geography topic on Coasts, Swans class visited Walton on the Naze. They had a visit to the Naze tower where Michelle our tour guide explained how the building was originally a lighthouse and an important building during World War 2. She explained about coastal erosion around the area and how there is […]

Cinderella & Rockerfella

by | 7 Jul 2017 | Trips

On Thursday 20th July, children from Swans class performed Cinderella & Rockerfella to packed audiences. An amazing amount of talent was seen; fantastic acting, singing and dancing from all children. Some of the children sang solos and displayed a great amount of confidence and composure. Well done, we were proud of you all. Thank you […]

Swans Residential Trip to PGL

by | 7 Jul 2017 | Swans, Trips

On Monday 10th July, Mr Bassett and Mrs Bilner accompanied 19 Swans to PGL –  Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire for their 4 night, 5 day residential trip. After setting off at 9.15am, we stopped at Hinchingbrook Country Park in Huntingdon for our picnic lunch and a run around before carrying on to PGL.  After arriving, […]