The Year One children stayed for the Phonics Club after school to practise their phonics skills. The children had fun using their phonic knowledge to play games, reading real and nonsense words. Great work Kingfishers.
Children in the school were invited to take part in ‘designing an egg’ competition which was organised by the PTA. There were many entries and Mrs Allum and Miss Jones were tasked with the very difficult task of choosing a winner from each year group. Well done to all the children who entered the competition […]
On Friday 23rd March, an Under 7’s team, an Under 9’s team and two Under 11’s teams performed at Westbourne High School. Each team competed against other Suffolk Schools and performed a gymnastics routine to music; there was also some ‘body management’ work. Mrs Allum spent many hours devising routines, choosing music and training the […]
On Friday the children in Kingfishers Class presented their class assembly. The children talked about and showed work linked to their topic called Once Upon A Time. The children read stories, showed story maps, interviewed the Fox and shared the speech bubbles they created for different characters from The Gingerbread Man. The children showed their Moving […]
During the Forest Fun sessions, Kingfishers Class have been completing activities towards a Bronze Certificate for the RSPB Wild Challenge. They have been weather wizards recording the weather. They have made bird cakes, They took part in the Big Schools Bird Watch. They have looked at natural objects and drawn a detailed picture of it. They […]
Whilst the weather was still cold, this didn’t stop the children having fun in the sun today. From catching cups to circus tricks and balancing logs the children certainly made the most of the dry weather!
The children welcomed Mrs Fisher in to their class today. Mrs Fisher told the children she was going to talk to them about their teeth. She reminded them they should clean them at least twice a day to brush away food and bugs (bacteria). She also reminded them to not eat too many sweets as they contain […]
This week the children have enjoyed creating ‘Moving Pictures’ in DT. The children made a moving picture for The Gingerbread Man using a slider. The children enjoyed showing each other how they worked and were able to use story language while using their moving picture. The children also made a moving picture for Jack and the […]
On Wednesday 7th March we welcomed our mums (or a female representative) to our Mother’s Day Lunch. Rachel and Georgina cooked a delicious roast beef dinner and oaty fruit crunch for pudding. The mums also got the chance to play outside!. Thank you for coming and having lunch with us, thanks to Rachel and Georgina […]
With green-ness returning to the county, it is easy to forget how white everywhere was last week. Although it was very cold, some of the children managed to enjoy some snowy fun on the school field. All wrapped up in coats, hats, scarves and gloves, some snowmen were built and snowballs thrown.
On Thursday after school children from Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class joined Miss Jones and Mrs Jones for Cookery Club . The children carefully used a knife to cut different types of fruit to make a fruit salad. The children enjoyed making their fruit salad and we hope they enjoyed eating it!
Farmer James visited our school today and brought his Massey Ferguson tractor for us to look at. He told us about what he does and about the food that he grows. The children asked Farmer James questions and they had the opportunity to sit in the tractor. The children really enjoyed the experience of learning […]