
Fruit Kebabs

by | 10 Oct 2016 | Classes, Curriculum, Kingfishers

This week the children in Kingfishers Class have been thinking about how to keep healthy. The children created their own snack by making fruit kebabs. They practised their safety and hygiene skills by holding a knife correctly, cutting carefully and making sure their hands were clean. The children selected the fruits they liked from melon, grapes, orange, […]

Kingfishers’ First Assembly

by | 10 Oct 2016 | Curriculum, Kingfishers, Parents

It was the turn of the Kingfishers to take part in their first ever assembly. The children told the audience about the work they had done this half term on the topic of ‘All About Me’. They also talked about Autumn, they showed their pictures of Autumn trees and sang two rhymes about Autumn. The […]

Paralympic Enrichment Day

by | 10 Oct 2016 | Classes, Curriculum, Kingfishers, Owls, PE, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Friday, all the classes were involved in an Enrichment Day. Mr Ross from Premier Sport taught the children some games which included ‘blindfolded’ ball games, boccia as well as ‘floor volleyball’ involving balloons. The children all enjoyed the activities and learnt how to use different skills and tactics.  

Marvellous Mud

by | 10 Oct 2016 | Facilities, Kingfishers

The mud kitchen was open for business today, for Kingfishers Class! They were all very excited and listened carefully to the mud kitchen rules. When they were outside and were playing with the kitchen they independently changed their shoes for welly boots and with adult support put on an apron. They dug the mud using […]

Walk Around The Village

by | 9 Sep 2016 | Community, Kingfishers

The Kingfishers Class went for a walk around the village to look at the different types of buildings there are in the village. They listened to the adults and followed instructions carefully. While the children walked around the village they ticked off the different buildings they saw on their picture checklist. The children were very […]

Planting Bulbs

by | 9 Sep 2016 | Curriculum, Kingfishers

Kingfisher Class have been very busy planting tulip bulbs with Mrs Clark. They discussed together what the bulbs needed to grow and in which season they will grow. The children each chose a spot in the earth to plant their bulb and following instructions, used a trowel to dig a hole and plant their bulb […]

Healthy Living Week

by | 7 Jul 2016 | Classes, Curriculum, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, PE, Swans, Visitors, Woodpeckers

Last week our timetable was dedicated to Healthy Living Week; the children were involved in many different activities.  These included our sports day, some Paralympic games, a visit from PC Di and PCSO Denise who talked to the different classes about a variety of things including drug and alcohol awareness & theft, Mr Andrews from Suffolk […]

Money, Money, Money

by | 7 Jul 2016 | Classes, Kingfishers, Owls, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Friday the children were very excited as it was finally the day for the classes to present their products for the ‘Mini Enterprise’ which was launched during Money Week. The children with their teacher set up their stalls with their products and posters ready for the end of school sale. The children were fantastic at encouraging […]

Kingfisher Assembly

by | 7 Jul 2016 | Achievements, Classes, Kingfishers

The children in Kingfisher Class were very excited to show their work to their parents, family members and the rest of the school in assembly. The children spoke about their work on potatoes. They told everyone how they looked after them and how they harvested them. They also sang a rhyme about potatoes. The children talked about the work […]

Fencing Fun

by | 6 Jun 2016 | Curriculum, Kingfishers, PE, Swans

Our Swans have been learning some new ‘fencing’ skills. Mr Banner taught them ‘en garde’, about footwork, advance, defence and lunge. After having the time to practise these skills, they had the opportunity to ‘teach’ our reception children how to ‘fence’.  It was clearly evident they passed on the skills in a clear and informative way. […]

Bike To School Week

by | 6 Jun 2016 | Classes, Kingfishers, Owls, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

The JRSOs encouraged the children to take part in Bike to School Week which was held from 13th – 17th June 2016. Despite the weather lots of children took the challenge and came to school on their bike or scooter. The JRSO’s also held a competition to design the bike for the future. Lots of […]

Art and Craft Club

by | 6 Jun 2016 | Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers

Children from the Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class joined Miss Jones and Mrs Kite for Art and Craft Club. The children produced their own designs of Kandinsky’s painting of circles. The children used felt tips, wax crayons and paints to create the circles. The children had lots of fun and produced lovely artwork.