
Christmas Elves Return

by | 12 Dec 2020 | English, Kingfishers, Maths

On Monday the children in Kingfishers Class found their classroom had been decorated ready for Christmas. They also found a present under the Christmas tree which contained Tinsel and Jingle the Christmas Elves. The children have enjoyed seeing what Tinsel and Jingle have been up to. They had written CVC words and graphemes on the […]

Building Rooms for the Titanic

by | 12 Dec 2020 | Design Technology, History, Swans

As part of our half term topic based on ‘The Titanic’, the Swans children started to construct their Titanic rooms. Lots of Design and Technology skills were used – including using the saws!  

Roving Reporters

by | 12 Dec 2020 | English, History, Woodpeckers

Woodpecker’s roving reporters went back in time to 1969 – the day after Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon. We wrote newspaper reports of the historic event, then made News Round style video recordings which we shared with the class! One small step for Neil Armstrong. one giant leap for the Woodpeckers!  

Sinking Ships…or Not?

by | 12 Dec 2020 | Science, Swans

This week in science, the Swans have been learning about why boats don’t sink. They discovered that the shape of the object affects its ability to float. They looked at an object’s buoyancy  in relation to the Archimedes Principle and had lots of fun trying to design a boat that would hold a certain amount […]

Christmas in Kingfishers Class

by | 12 Dec 2020 | Kingfishers

Om Monday morning, the children arrived at school to find their classroom had been decorated ready for Christmas – they were all were very excited! Since then, the children have been busy doing lots of Christmas activities. They have decorated their own tree, made Christmas bunting and enjoyed counting and sorting Christmas pasta. Great work […]

Kingfishers’ Christmas Cards

by | 12 Dec 2020 | Computing, Kingfishers

The children began making their Christmas cards; they used the computer to type their message for their card. The children were able to find the letters on the keyboard to spell their message. Great typing skills Kingfishers!

Spencer’s Birthday

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Kingfishers

The children enjoyed celebrating Spencer Bear’s birthday. Spencer Bear opened his cards with the help from the children. The children enjoyed their crisps and fairy cake and sang Happy Birthday to Spencer. The children had a lovely time and so did Spencer Bear!

Road Safety Week

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Owls

For Road Safety week, the Owls recorded radio adverts about subjects related to road safety. The subjects covered were: The Green Cross Code, walking safely in the dark, being a safe car passenger and cycling safety. The children wrote scripts for their adverts and then made posters to go with their campaigns. All the children […]

Owls PSHE: Anti-Bullying

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Owls

As it was Anti-Bullying week last week, the Owls spent a special afternoon on the topic. We looked at lots of examples of what bullying was and what it wasn’t, and tried to come up with a definition. We also learnt about the four main categories of bullying: physical, verbal, indirect and cyber bullying. We […]

Surprise Spencer

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Kingfishers

The children received a letter from Spencer Bear’s Mum asking them to organise Spencer a surprise birthday. The children have been busy creating cards and bunting ready for the party.

Amazing Autumn

by | 11 Nov 2020 | Kingfishers, Science

The children in Year One have been learning about the Seasons in Science. The children learned about the four different seasons in the UK. They briefly explored what the weather is like in different seasons and what important events there are in each season. The children were then asked to think about the clothes they […]

Science in Action in Swans

by | 11 Nov 2020 | News, Science, Swans

In Science this week, the children in Swans class were investigating the effect different temperatures of water has on an iceberg. We discussed how we could keep the test fair,  make predictions, variables, observations and conclusions and also how we could represent the data. Alongside this, the children learnt how to find the volume of […]