
Art – Sculpture and 3D

by | 1 Jan 2024 | Art & Design, Kingfishers

This half term the children will be focusing on Sculptures and 3D in their art lessons. This afternoon the children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question – Can we roll paper to make 3D structures? The children looked at a piece of art by Samantha Stephenson an Australian artist. The children were told she […]

Battle of Hastings

by | 1 Jan 2024 | History, Owls

This half term, Owls’ History topic is the Battle of Hastings and the Norman Invasion. We launched the topic with an immersion day. We looked at the three contenders to the throne in 1066: Harold Godwinson, Harald Hardrada and William, Duke of Normandy. We hot seated the three contenders and made leaflets to promote our […]

Wooden Reindeers!

by | 1 Jan 2024 | Design Technology, Forest Schools, Swans

The Swans had a great afternoon outside making their reindeers. They also learned how to strike sparks to create fire. Thank you Mrs Martin for all your help.

Christmas Party Lunch

by | 1 Jan 2024 | Classes, School Events

At the end of the Autumn Term, the children enjoyed a Christmas party lunch.  Thank you to Laura, our cook and everyone who was involved in preparing, serving and clearing away.  It was a great way to end the term.    

Christmas Cheer for Blackbrook House

by | 12 Dec 2023 | Community, Kingfishers

The children in Kingfishers Class worked together to create a class Christmas display for the residents at Blackbrook House care home for the residents, to brighten up their Christmas. Great teamwork Kingfishers!

Christmas Tree Festival

by | 12 Dec 2023 | Community, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

All the children helped to make a Stratford St Mary Primary School Christmas Tree for the Church’s Christmas Tree Festival. The children created a bauble to decorate the tree and drew a memory from a past Christmas. They also made two green handprints to create the Christmas tree. Miss Cousins put the Christmas tree together […]

Five Gifts for Christmas

by | 12 Dec 2023 | Community, Fundraising, Kingfishers, News, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

This term, the children have been talking about kindness, thoughtfulness, sharing, respect and caring and how these values can become an important part of our daily lives.  As a school, we decided to try and spread kindness towards others and asked for some donations for the five gifts of Christmas Appeal.  The children were sent […]

Tilly the Tale Spinner

by | 12 Dec 2023 | English, Kingfishers, Visitors, Woodpeckers

On Thursday 14th December the children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class were very lucky as they had a story telling session with ‘Tilly the Tale Spinner’. ‘Tilly the Tale Spinner’ told the children lots of Christmas tales. The children interacted and participated in the story telling session. Well done everyone.

Christmas Cards for the Community

by | 12 Dec 2023 | Community, Kingfishers

The children in Kingfishers Class made Christmas cards for the people in the community. They listened to what they had to do and followed the instructions. The children were asked to use the cork and their finger to make a print. The Christmas cards look lovely and we hope the community like them. Great work […]

Christmas at Colchester Zoo

by | 12 Dec 2023 | Kingfishers, Visits

The children took part in a wonderful Christmas educational experience at Colchester Zoo! The children were greeted by a festive elf who helped them learn all about penguins. The children observed a real penguin up close to test what they had learned. Father Christmas joined the children to see how much they knew about one […]

Christmas Forest Fun

by | 12 Dec 2023 | Forest Schools, Owls

On Monday 11th December, the Owls class took part in a Christmas-themed Forest School session. The children got to take part in many activities such as den building, fire lighting and making smores. They also got to make Christmas wreaths and wooden reindeer decorations, sawing the wood themselves. The children showed great perseverance in the different activities and […]

The Twinkly Nativity

by | 12 Dec 2023 | Kingfishers, News, School Events, Woodpeckers

The children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class performed The Twinkly Nativity to a packed audience in Stratford St Mary church. The children had lots of fun entertaining the audience with their version of the nativity and were in good voice singing the fun songs. Well done to all of our children – we are very […]