
Let There Be Light!

by | 1 Jan 2016 | Owls, Science

Last week in science, the children were learning about light; about different light sources and reflection. On Friday, we were very lucky that Mr Clark was able to visit and allowed us to experiment with different lighting equipment. This included a ‘mirror ball’, lights and different coloured filters.

Woodpecker Class Cheer Up Hospital Patients

by | 12 Dec 2015 | Woodpeckers

This week Woodpecker class have been very busy making lots of Christmas decorations to give to West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust in order to help cheer up the patients.  The children wanted to brighten up the hospital wards and cheer up patients who are poorly over Christmas by giving them a variety of different decorations and get well […]

Magic Ian

by | 12 Dec 2015 | Community, Facilities, Kingfishers, School Events, Trips

ABC Pre – school invited the children in Kingfisher Class to see ‘Magic Ian’. Magic Ian was very funny and he did lots of magic tricks. The children in Kingfisher Class could not stop laughing. Thank you ABC Pre – school for inviting us, we had lots of fun.    

Christingle in the Church

by | 12 Dec 2015 | Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Religious Education, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Friday, all the children went into their ‘Houses’ to create Christingle oranges, with the older ones helping the younger ones put sweets and raisins on cocktail sticks and sticking red tape around the middle. After lunch, the children carried their oranges, which included a glowstick, down to the church.  Rev. Rosalind conducted a service, which the parents joined us […]

Hedgehog Rescue

by | 12 Dec 2015 | Community, Swans

When Swans class were walking back to school after singing to the community, eagle-eyed Archie spotted a little creature on the path. After realising that she was too small to be out alone, Mrs Bilner brought the little hedgehog into the school and kept her warm. All the children had the opportunity of seeing ‘Silver’ […]

Carol Singing to the Community

by | 12 Dec 2015 | Community, Swans

Mrs Bilner & Mrs Marshall took Swans Class to the Parish Rooms to sing carols to the community. They sang numerous carols both traditional and new ones to the community who were enjoying their Christmas lunch.  

Letters to Father Christmas

by | 12 Dec 2015 | Achievements, Curriculum, Kingfishers, Parents

This week Kingfisher Class have been writing letters to Father Christmas. The Children were able to use their phonic knowledge,  word mats and dictionaries to help them spell words. They wrote fantastic letters, telling Father Christmas what they would like and that they had been very good! Miss Jones was so proud of their writing she […]

JRSO’s Speed Check

by | 11 Nov 2015 | Community, JRSO, School Events, Swans, Visitors

The JRSO’s attended the speed check with the Community Speed Awareness Team on Wednesday. The JRSO’s wrote down the registration numbers of the cars which went past. They kept an eye on the speed camera to see if the cars were speeding. The JRSOs really enjoyed it and caught two cars speeding!

Brightness Day

by | 11 Nov 2015 | Achievements, Classes, Fundraising, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Friday 27th November the JRSOs held a Brightness Day.  The children and staff came to school in their brightest clothes and raised money for ‘Children in Need’. There were winners from each class including Miss Kluge. There were also winners of the competitions that the JRSO’s arranged.  

Road Safety Training

by | 11 Nov 2015 | Classes, Kingfishers, Parents, Woodpeckers

The JRSO’s trained the children in Woodpecker and Kingfisher Class on how to cross the road correctly. The children really enjoyed using the road and pretending to be cars and pedestrians.

Kingfisher Class Assembly

by | 11 Nov 2015 | Achievements, Curriculum, Kingfishers, Parents, School Events, Visitors

The children in the Kingfisher Class performed their assembly on Friday. The work they showed was on the theme of ‘Ourselves’.  They named body parts, they spoke about the visit from Sue Hunter the Dental Nurse, they showed collages of their favourite foods, said the letters sounds of the alphabet and sang the ABC song. […]

Owls Trip to Colchester Castle

by | 11 Nov 2015 | Owls, Trips

On Thursday the Owls made the short trip to Colchester to visit the Castle. The children have been learning about the Romans for the past two weeks in class and greatly enjoyed their visit. We had the opportunity to try on different Roman costumes, build a Roundhouse and creep around the gloomy dungeons. The trip finished […]