Last week was National Story-Telling Week. Throughout the week, the children heard lots of favourite stories and on Wednesday afternoon, joined their fellow house members to share books. Lots of the older children read to the younger ones and some even got the chance to watch Michael Rosen telling his own rendition of Chocolate Cake!
Last week was the turn of the Woodpeckers to share their learning from this term with the rest of the school and parents. Every child chose to show something they were proud of. This included showing seasons collages, handwriting before and after shots, spellings progress and maths strategies learnt this term. The assembly ended on a high […]
This term Woodpeckers have been learning about the weather. The Woodpeckers took part in an experiment to make a rain cloud in a glass to help them understand what clouds are made of; how it rains and why. They worked in groups to follow instructions on how to make a rain gauge using a plastic bottle, sellotape, […]
Last week in DT, Woodpeckers had the challenge of designing and building houses to suit different climates around the world. First we took advantage of our schools’ den building area and built a shelter from the wind using sticks, bendy wooden canes and material. Next our challenge was to design and build a house to […]
The School Council presented to the ‘Parent Forum’ meeting the new ideas for dealing with behaviour in the school. They had already gathered ideas from all the classes on what behaviour charts the children would like to be seen in school, together with a clear rewards and consequences system. In their School Council meeting they […]
Oh yes we did!! On Thursday we visited the New Wolsey theatre to watch a performance of the ‘Sword in the Stone’ pantomime. This Rock n Roll show was a big hit with the adults and children. Mr Bassett was called onto the stage to help the Pantomime Dame – he did a great job! […]
This week Woodpecker class have been very busy making lots of Christmas decorations to give to West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust in order to help cheer up the patients. The children wanted to brighten up the hospital wards and cheer up patients who are poorly over Christmas by giving them a variety of different decorations and get well […]
On Friday, all the children went into their ‘Houses’ to create Christingle oranges, with the older ones helping the younger ones put sweets and raisins on cocktail sticks and sticking red tape around the middle. After lunch, the children carried their oranges, which included a glowstick, down to the church. Rev. Rosalind conducted a service, which the parents joined us […]
On Friday 27th November the JRSOs held a Brightness Day. The children and staff came to school in their brightest clothes and raised money for ‘Children in Need’. There were winners from each class including Miss Kluge. There were also winners of the competitions that the JRSO’s arranged.
The JRSO’s trained the children in Woodpecker and Kingfisher Class on how to cross the road correctly. The children really enjoyed using the road and pretending to be cars and pedestrians.
This week has been a very exciting time for Woodpecker class who discovered that there had been a Triceratops rampaging round the school over the weekend. Miss Kluge showed the class CCTV footage of a Triceratops in the school car park and the children produced some fabulous stories based on what they had seen. The children weren’t afraid because they had […]
This week was the turn of Woodpecker Class to share some of their favourite work from the term in their Class Assembly. The children showed the rest of the school and parents the firework pictures they had made; sang the ‘Days Of The Week’ song that they had been learning, performed their class poem […]