For our Art topic this half term we have been exploring different types of marks and using them to respond to different stimuli. Today we listened to the story of Pattan’s Pumpkin and applied our learning of different mark making. As artists, we used paint to create different types of mark in our paintings. We […]
The children in Woodpeckers class have been learning about The British Empire. They have learnt about the British trading triangle between England, Africa and India. They took part in a class discussion about how the slave trade began and their opinion on it. We looked at how it still has some influence today and why […]
On Tuesday 11th January the children in Woodpecker class were tasked with using different tools to create particular types of mark. The children used straws, thick and thin paint brushes, glue spreaders, sticks, pipe cleaners and cutlery to experiment with creating different types of mark such as ‘thick’, ‘thin’, ‘wavy’, ‘jagged’ , shiny’ etc. The […]
The children all enjoyed games and construction club. They enjoyed playing and socialising with their friends.
The children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class performed A Miracle in Town to a packed audience in Stratford St Mary church. The children had lots of fun entertaining the audience with their version of the nativity and were in good voice singing the fun songs. Well done to all of our children – you were […]
Thank you all so much for your generosity towards the 2021 Poppy Appeal. Your contributions raised £169.40 for this worthy charity.
On Wednesday 20th October, several from Woodpeckers and Owls took part in the Badminton Festival. They had a great time taking part in all the different activities and thank you to our Year 6 leaders for helping them on the day.
This half term, the children in Woodpeckers class have enjoyed learning about The Stone Age. In Art we have looked at Stone Age cave art, drawings and pottery. This week we made our own Stone Age pots and bowls and used natural objects to help make patterns on them. We used our finger nails, sticks, […]
This half term the children in Woodpecker class have been learning about The Stone Age. In Art, we have been looking at prehistoric cave art. Stone age cave art consisted mainly of hunter gatherers, bush men and animals. The children used tracing paper to help them draw some outlines of prehistoric animals and hunters for […]
Sports Day happened at Stratford St Mary on Monday 19th July – with Woodpeckers and Kingfishers events taking part in the morning. The children competed in their houses and took part in 5 events – standing long jump, chest throw, sprint, fun run and target game. Great fun, great team spirit and great attitudes were […]
Year 3 have been learning to measure volume and capacity. The children followed Mrs Sadler’s recipe to chop fruit and measure juices to create a delicious fruit punch. Yummy!
The Year 2s in Woodpeckers have been learning all about 3D shapes this week in Maths. We are able to describe the shapes using mathematical language such as faces, curved surfaces, vertices and edges. We built shapes using a variety of materials, including straws to represent edges and marshmallow to represent vertices! We also made […]