
McMillan Coffee Morning – Thank you!

by | 10 Oct 2019 | Fundraising, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

Thank you all who came to our coffee morning, provided and bought cakes and thank you for supporting this fantastic cause – £180.21 was raised.

Round Britain Quiz

by | 10 Oct 2019 | Geography, Owls, Parents

On Wednesday 9th Octobers, the Owls were joined by their parents and grandparents for a shared learning session. In Geography, the children had been learning about counties and regions, particularly the ones around where we live. Their challenge for the afternoon was to work together with their adults to try to label all the counties […]

Summer Vacation – The Musical!

by | 7 Jul 2019 | Parents, School Events, Swans

On Thursday 18th July, the Swans class entertained a packed hall by performing their play’ We’re all going on a Summer Holiday’.  The story line was based on a family trip to the Poplins Holiday Camp.   There was some brilliant acting, singing and fantastic ‘one-liners’! Thank you to all involved in creating this amazing production […]

Sizzling Sports Day Success

by | 7 Jul 2019 | Achievements, House Groups, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, PE, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

Friday 5th July saw the annual sports day at the school.  The sun shone, crowds gathered and children enjoyed a variety of events; the atmosphere was fantastic! Otters were the victorious winners and gained 40 house points! Well done. Thank you to all who helped with the preparations beforehand and to those who helped on […]

Best Moments

by | 6 Jun 2019 | Kingfishers, Parents, School Events

On Friday 28th June, Kingfishers Class performed their last assembly of the school year. The children proudly talked about what their best moment was of the school year. They also did a poem about a year in Kingfishers Class and sang a song ‘Baby T- Rex’. The children all received a certificate for a fantastic […]


by | 6 Jun 2019 | Achievements, Fundraising, Parents

We are very pleased to announce we have raised over £800 from the Elmer Readathon. A big ‘Thank you’ to everyone who participated and for all the people who sponsored the children. The money raised will be donated to St Elizabeth Hospice – The Elmer Project. Thank you again for supporting this event.

Dinosaur Museum

by | 6 Jun 2019 | English, Kingfishers, Parents, Science

Over the past two weeks, the children in Kingfishers Class have been learning about dinosaurs. The children were given the task of creating a dinosaur museum. The children worked hard creating guide books, writing amazing facts about dinosaurs and painting pictures of them. The children were very proud of their museum and invited their parents […]

Father’s Day Lunch

by | 6 Jun 2019 | Classes, Parents

On Wednesday 12th June 2019, we welcomed over 60 dads, grandads and special people for our annual Father’s day lunch. Rachel and Georgia prepared a delicious roast dinner, followed by flapjack and custard, which was enjoyed by all. Thank you dads (grandads and special people) for supporting this event, to all staff for helping over […]

Owls Shared Learning Session

by | 5 May 2019 | Community, Owls, Parents, Science

On Thursday 16th May, many of the parents of Owls class came in for a shared learning session. In Science, the children have been working on the topic of Sound and had been looking at high and low sounds and how they are made. With the help of their parents, the children had to apply […]

Kingfishers Class Phonics Shared Learning Session

by | 5 May 2019 | English, Kingfishers, Parents

The children took part in their shared learning session today. The children welcomed their family members into school. The children played phonics games with their family members. The children demonstrated how they sounded out words to read them. Thank you for coming to our shared learning session, we hope you enjoyed it.

Book Fair

by | 4 Apr 2019 | Fundraising, Parents, School Events

Thank you to all the children and parents who supported our recent book fair. We raised £550.97 at our book fair which gives us £270.58 to spend on books for our school. We look forward to adding new titles to our shelves in the library.

Mother’s Day Lunch

by | 3 Mar 2019 | Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Wednesday 27th March 2019, we welcomed over 60 mums and grandmothers for our annual Mother’s day lunch. Rachel and Georgia prepared a delicious roast dinner, followed by jam sponge and custard, which was enjoyed by all. Thank you mums (and grandmums) for supporting this event, to all staff for helping over the lunchtime period […]