News About Our School
Brightness Day
On Friday 27th November the JRSOs held a Brightness Day. The children and staff came to school in their brightest clothes and raised money for 'Children in Need'. There were winners from each class including Miss Kluge. There were also winners of the competitions...
Road Safety Training
The JRSO's trained the children in Woodpecker and Kingfisher Class on how to cross the road correctly. The children really enjoyed using the road and pretending to be cars and pedestrians.
Kingfisher Class Assembly
The children in the Kingfisher Class performed their assembly on Friday. The work they showed was on the theme of 'Ourselves'. They named body parts, they spoke about the visit from Sue Hunter the Dental Nurse, they showed collages of their favourite foods, said the...
Owls Trip to Colchester Castle
On Thursday the Owls made the short trip to Colchester to visit the Castle. The children have been learning about the Romans for the past two weeks in class and greatly enjoyed their visit. We had the opportunity to try on different Roman costumes, build a Roundhouse...
Traffic Survey
Kingfisher Class walked to the village green to conduct a survey of the traffic. The children were very excited and waited patiently for vehicles to go pass, listening carefully. When they saw a vehicle they made a mark on their chart. They saw cars, lorries, vans and...
Dinosaur Captured On Camera!
This week has been a very exciting time for Woodpecker class who discovered that there had been a Triceratops rampaging round the school over the weekend. Miss Kluge showed the class CCTV footage of a Triceratops in the school car park and the children produced some...
Woodpecker Class Share ‘Wow Work’ With Friends and Family In Class Assembly.
This week was the turn of Woodpecker Class to share some of their favourite work from the term in their Class Assembly. The children showed the rest of the school and parents the firework pictures they had made; sang the 'Days Of The Week' song that they had...
Christmas Craft Club
Christmas Craft Club started on Monday 16th November. As you can see from the photos, the children had great fun making a whole range of Christmas-themed items, including beautiful cards and letters to Santa.
Transport Challenge Afternoon
Today the children in the Kingfisher class and their family member took part in the transport challenge afternoon. They designed their vehicle and used lots of recycled materials to create it. When they had finished they had to evaluate their vehicle. The children...
Anti Bullying Week
This week was Anti Bullying week which meant it was a very important week for our Anti Bullying Buddies. On Monday the Buddies led the Whole School Assembly introducing our first ever 'House' competition! Each House had the afternoon to design a poster promoting...
Brightness Day
The JRSO's have planned a ‘Brightness Day’ on Friday 27th November 2015 to inform children how important it is to be safe and to be seen, in the winter months. Please encourage your child to come to school in the brightest clothes they have, we are asking for a...
Christmas Gifts
This year, we are collecting gifts for the Salvation Army. Donations can include new items for men, women or children; suggestions are chocolates, 'smellies', socks, gloves, new toys and books, colouring books and pencils; your donations can be brought into school...
Kingfisher class visit Hall Farm
Today Kingfisher class walked to Hall Farm to do the farm trail. We were able to follow a map which Ann had drawn for us. Edward kindly took us around and we saw lots of different animals. We were even followed by a goat, Miss Jones thought she had a new child in her...
Sewing Club
We are learning some basic skills in sewing club, including Miss Jones. We are having lots of fun, even when we keep having to re-thread the needle. Lots of patience needed all round.
School Falls Silent for Two Minutes
Over the past few weeks in our whole school and class assemblies, we have been learning about Remembrance Day, the significance of 'poppies', the courage and bravery of those who worked and still work in the Armed Forces and the work of the British Legion too. At...
After School Club Takes to the Slopes
Wednesday Evenings see 26 Owls and Swans, accompanied by Mr Bassett and Mrs Bilner, take to the slopes at the Suffolk Ski Centre. Lots of them are learning how to ski, how to 'snow plough', turn and stop safely. Others are perfecting their skiing skills on the main...
Harvest Gifts
We received this certificate from the Colchester Foodbank saying 'thank you' for our food donations. Your kind contributions for our Harvest Assembly helped to provide 134 meals for people less fortunate than ourselves.
A Massive Thank You
A massive thank you to all who contributed to our Macmillan Coffee Morning, we were able to donate £80.00 to this worthwhile cause.
Fantastic Fireworks!!
Saturday Evening saw the Annual Community Firework Event taking place at the school. Live music, a hog roast, fantastic firework display, roaring bonfire and many hundreds of people of all ages attending, helped to create a happy, positive and vibrant atmosphere in...
Washing hands
Hannah the Nurse came to talk to the children in Kingfisher Class about germs and the importance of washing their hands properly. We met different germs - cuddly toys!! Hannah had a special light to show the children what germs they had on their hands.
Dental Nurse Visit
The Kingfisher Class had Mrs Hunter the Dental Nurse visit them. She told the children how to look after their teeth and what food is good and bad for them.
Our walk around the village
Kingfisher class walked around the village finding out what buildings and shapes they could see. They saw the Post Office, Vets, Garage and Church. They found circle, triangles, squares and rectangles.
New School Council Elected
Our new School Council were recently elected. One of their first decisions was deciding on the 'Theme' and 'Names' for the 'House Groups'. It was decided, after much discussion, that the names of the Houses will be 'Foxes', 'Badgers', 'Hedgehogs' and 'Otters'.
Table Tennis Tournament
Four boys from the Swans class were selected to take part in a recent Table Tennis Competition and whilst they didn't make it to the final, played really well and were proud to represent the school.