Miss Jones

The children were very excited as they were going on a trip to visit their pen pals at Eyke Primary School. The children really enjoyed the fact that they were able to see over the Orwell bridge! When they arrived at Eyke School, Ash class greeted them with banners. The children had the opportunity to chat with […]

Kingfisher Class enjoyed a day full of activities based on the story of ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. The children worked in groups to retell the story using puppets and masks. The children worked in pairs to work out how much Sophie’s mum had spent on the shopping after the tiger had been to tea. […]

The children took part in a Superhero Training Day! They completed activities in teams such as throwing balls through the holes, a water game, balancing on the balance beam, vaporising villains with water and a superpower hunt. They worked together , cheering each other on and successfully counted up their points for their team! They also […]

Kingfishers Class were very excited as they had received a very important letter. Miss Jones opened the envelope and showed the children the photograph. The children were able to identify Harry and Meghan on their wedding day. Miss Jones reminded the children she wrote to Harry and Meghan after their wedding explaining how they (Kingfishers […]

The JRSOs attended the annual Junior Road Safety Awards Event at Endeavour House in Ipswich. The JRSOs met the Councillor, the cabinet member for Highways and Transport, listened to presentations from other JRSOs and participated in a question and answer session. The JRSOs were awarded a silver award for their scrapbook which informed others of what […]

During Forest Fun the children were given the task of being wildlife detectives, exploring the wild area and looking for signs of animals and nature. They also used the bug finders and magnifying glasses to look for bugs. With support they found a woodlouse, a millipede and a beetle and put them in the bug finders […]

This week, the children welcomed two visitors from Network Rail. Our visitors spoke to the children about the dangers of railway tracks. They were told that many people take shortcuts or trespass on Britain’s railways. The visitors told them about different incidents that take place like young people playing chicken, vandalism such as spraying graffiti and throwing of […]

Today Kingfishers Class received their Silver award for the RSPB Wild Challenge. The children received a banner and were very excited to see it displayed on the fence of the outside area. We hope you have seen it! The children received a letter thanking them for making a considerable contribution to the welfare of the environment and […]

This week the children came to school on their bike, scooter and even roller skates as it was ‘Bike Week’. The JRSO’s reminded the children to wear a helmet, keep close to an adult and not to go too far ahead, slow down near other people using the footpath, to always stop at the kerb and to […]

This week, Kingfishers Class have been learning about ‘Superheroes’ based on the story of ‘Supertato’. The children arrived at school to find vegetables tied up in the classroom. The children were asked to be Police detectives. They were told a crime had been committed by the Evil Pea in the classroom and the children were to write a police report […]

The children in Kingfishers Class were very excited as it was the first Scooter Ability Club. The children listened carefully to the instructions that were given and the safety rules they needed to follow. The JRSOs asked the children questions about how to travel safely on a scooter. The children changed their school shoes for trainers […]

The children have enjoyed creating natural sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy. The children worked in pairs to gather natural objects for their artwork. The children discussed what they were going to do and worked together to complete their artwork. Great work Kingfishers.