Miss Jones
This afternoon the children worked into their house groups learning about Chinese New Year. Hedgehogs learnt a song about Chinese New Year and played instruments. They also said a poem and danced like a dragon. Badgers looked at the zodiac calendar and tried hard to write the animal names in Chinese. Otters retold the story […]
On Wednesday afternoon the children made pancakes. The children helped to measure and weigh the ingredients and to mix them together. Mrs Jones cooked the pancakes and the children enjoyed eating them. The children were able to choose the topping they wanted and were able to evaluate how their pancakes tasted. The children told Mrs […]
This half term some of the children from Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class joined Miss Jones for a games club after school. The children enjoyed playing a range of different games including Bingo, Pop Up Pirate, Uno and Top Trumps. The children were able to take turns. use their mathematical knowledge and developed their communication skills. The children enjoyed […]
This week the children in Kingfishers Class have enjoyed looking at different Dips and Dippers. The children have tasted different dips and dippers. They have also designed, made and evaluated their own dips. The children have learnt about where different dips come from and what ingredients they contain.
The children have enjoyed a variety of sessions in the outdoor environment this half term. The children have been working hard to complete activities for the RSPB Wild Challenge. The children have enjoyed doing the ‘Bird Watch’ and spotting different birds. The children have made bird cakes, animal homes and enjoyed recording the weather. Great […]
The Kingfisher Class welcomed their Pen Pals to school on Monday. The children have been writing letters to the children in Ash Class at Eyke Primary School. The children enjoyed meeting their Pen Pal and finding out all about them. The children worked with their Pen Pal finding different shapes around the school. They also […]
On Tuesday the children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class went to the Discovery Centre at St Edmundsbury Cathedral to learn about the Christmas story for advent. The children were told the story through reflective storytelling and created their own cardboard advent candle. The children were split in to groups to explore the cathedral and to find the different parts of […]
The children in Kingfishers Class performed their first assembly of the school year. The children talked about Autumn, sang songs and showed their Autumn trees. They also talked about road safety week, their walk around the local area and the Reception children demonstrated how to the cross the road correctly. The children showed number lines they […]
As part of Road Safety Week the children have been encouraged to walk to school. The teachers provided a ‘Walking Bus’ from each end of Strickmere so as many children as possible could walk to school. Walking to school keeps us healthy and it helps protect the environment. Thank you to all the children and […]
The children put on their brightest clothes for Brightness Day. The children donated £1 for the Brake road safety charity. Thank you very much for your donations, we raised £75. In the assembly the JRSOs awarded certificates and prizes to the brightest dressed child in each class and to the brightest dressed teacher. They also […]
The JRSOs visited ABC Pre School to teach the children how to cross the road safely. The JRSOs demonstrated to the children how to do it correctly and supported the children to walk across the road. The children really enjoyed having the JRSOs visit them. Well done JRSOs, great work.
The JRSOs taught the reception children how to cross the road correctly using the ‘Crossroads’ equipment. The children listened carefully to what the JRSOs were saying and followed their instructions. The children really enjoyed the session and were able to cross the road safely.