Miss Jones
Today the children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class took part in a wonderful Christmas educational experience at Colchester Zoo! The children were greeted by a festive elf who helped the children learn all about penguins. They got the chance to observe real penguins up close and watched them eat their breakfast. They were then greeted by […]
The children in Kingfishers Class worked with a family member and created a penguin. They planned what they were going to do and what they were going to use. They constructed their model using recycled materials, cutting, sticking and painting. The children also wrote a label for their model. The children really enjoyed working with […]
This week the JRSOs have been busy promoting Road Safety Week to the children and staff. The JRSOs organised a Walk to School day, encouraging children and parents to walk instead of driving to school. The JRSOs were very pleased with the amount of children who walked to school. Thank you to all the children […]
The children arrived at school in their brightest clothes to raise money for Children in Need. The JRSOs asked the children to wear their brightest clothes to promote the slogan Be safe, Be seen. Miss Kluge and the JRSOs chose a winner from each class for being in their brightest clothes. Mr Leroux was the brightest member of staff. The […]
The children made cupcakes for Spencer Bear’s birthday. The children were very keen to help, following the recipe. First they put the bun cases into the tins. Then they helped by weighing the ingredients, sieving the flour, cracking eggs, folding the flour and mixing the eggs to create the cake mixture. They helped put the […]
Some of the children from Woodpeckers class joined Miss Jones, Miss Kluge and Mrs Kite for the Maths and English After School Club. The children joined playing Maths games with Miss Jones. Year One children rolled a dice and added the two numbers together and found the correct numeral. Year Two children used their knowledge of multiplication and division facts […]
The children were very excited to receive their reflector from the ‘Safe and Seen in Suffolk’ campaign. The JRSOs told the children in assembly about the campaign and why it is important to wear the reflectors. The children were asked to wear their reflectors on their coat or book bag so that they can be […]
The Kingfishers Class welcomed a visitor to their class. The visitor introduced herself as Mrs Fisher a dental nurse. Mrs Fisher asked the children what they knew about teeth. She showed the children a set of milk and adult teeth. She also asked the children if they could help her find her toothbrush, the children said yes, […]
This week the children in Kingfishers Class have been thinking about how to keep healthy. The children created their own snack by making fruit kebabs. They practised their safety and hygiene skills by holding a knife correctly, cutting carefully and making sure their hands were clean. The children selected the fruits they liked from melon, grapes, orange, […]
October is national Walk to school month and today the parents and children opted for walking to school instead of driving. The children, parents, teachers and staff met at either ends of Strickmere and walked together to school. The JRSO’s made sure the children were walking safely to school. It was lovely to see so many walking to […]
It was the turn of the Kingfishers to take part in their first ever assembly. The children told the audience about the work they had done this half term on the topic of ‘All About Me’. They also talked about Autumn, they showed their pictures of Autumn trees and sang two rhymes about Autumn. The […]
The new JRSO’s first job was to join the Community Speed Watch Team on their speed check. The JRSO’s were very excited and ready with their clipboards and pencils to take down information. The Community Speed Watch Team explained to the JRSO’s what they had to do and why they carried out the speed checks. They […]