Mrs Bilner

Soliloquys in Swans

by | 5 May 2024 | English, Swans

The Swans have been reading Hamlet. They used emotive language to write a soliloquy in role as Ophelia. They then presented their final draft creatively using which ever medium they chose. Some chose watercolours, others created a collage effect and some used posca pens. The results were outstanding. We then created a metaphorical display, using […]

Tudor Weavers

by | 5 May 2024 | Art & Design, History, Swans

Some of the Year 6 are enjoying being Tudor weavers! We think they would have been a great asset to Stratford St Mary during Tudor times where clothiers lived in the village and became a prominent contributor to the cloth industry.  

Painting in Woodpeckers

by | 5 May 2024 | Art & Design, Woodpeckers

This half term, in art, we have been looking at four different painters and their art styles; Claude Monet, Georges Seurat, Jackson Pollock and Georgia O’Keefe and asking the question ‘Are all paintings created in the same way? This week we focussed on using watercolours and creating a piece in the style of Georgia O’Keefe.

Typography Art

by | 5 May 2024 | Art & Design

In art, the children have been looking at the work of the multi-disciplinary artist Freyja Crow. They tried to create portraits and using a strong sense of line, then experimented with different styles of typography.    

School Disco

by | 3 Mar 2024 | News

On the Friday 15th March, the PTA organised a disco for the school children. The children looked fantastic dressed in their party clothes and danced along to music both old and new! Thank you to the PTA for organising the event and to all who helped out on the day.

Water, Nutrients and Gummy Bears

by | 3 Mar 2024 | News

In Science, the children have been learning about how water and nutrients get absorbed into the bloodstream. They carried out an investigation to see what happened to gummy bears when placed in different liquids. There were some interesting discoveries!

The Boy at the Back of the Class

by | 3 Mar 2024 | English, Geography, Swans, Trips

The Swans had an amazing time in Cambridge yesterday. The Boy At The Back Of The Class was incredible; the children loved it and it really did serve to embed all they had learnt about migration in their previous Geography/English topic. We also took time to look at the beautiful buildings around Cambridge – in […]

Heart & Circulatory System

by | 2 Feb 2024 | News

The Swans have been learning all about the heart and the circulatory system. We started by looking at the structure of the heart and then ‘acted out’ the blood flow through the human  body. After that, the children had the opportunity to dissect the heart so they could see the chambers, vessels and valves. Those […]


by | 2 Feb 2024 | English, Science, Swans

The Swans have been writing reports about Owls in English this term. To enhance their learning, we have been dissecting owl pellets! There were some interesting discoveries!  

Still Life Images

by | 2 Feb 2024 | Art & Design, Swans

In art, The Swans have been using oil pastels to create Still Life images. They worked hard on building up the layers to deepen the tone of their work as well as blending colours together to create depth and tone.

Charles Darwin’s Theory of Natural Selection

by | 1 Jan 2024 | Science, Swans

The Swans have been learning about Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution by Natural Selection. Using different sized tweezers and tongs and a variety of seeds, they had to work out which finch lived on which island. They learnt that the smaller finches with the small beaks fed on small seeds and the ones with […]

Still Life in Swans

by | 1 Jan 2024 | Art & Design, Swans

The Swans have begun their drawing unit: Still Life.  This week we were drawing using charcoals. We looked at how shading can create depth to a drawing as well as proportion and space.  They used white chalk to show the light reflecting off their object. Their work was extremely impressive!