Mrs Bilner

The Swans have been learning about the Hindu belief in Atman. The Atman refers to the real person inside an individual. It is made of part of the spirit of Brahman. They Hindus use the saying ‘Namaste’ to greet each other. This translates as ‘The Divine Spirit in me salutes the Divine Spirit in you.’ […]

In Art we have been looking at Prehistoric cave drawings. For our final piece in this unit, we tried to keep the materials we used as natural as possible as we know that materials such as paint and colouring pencils were not available for Stone Age people! We collected mud to create our background, then used charcoal […]

Did you know that every image you send, document you write or video you see has to be sent across to you in packets? We looked at packets in our recent Computing lesson and learnt that packets are when documents online are broken up into lots of pieces and sent across the internet to the […]

On Thursday 5th October, we held a Harvest Assembly in the school. Families were incredibly generous and brought in some non-perishable items which were sent onto the Colchester Food Bank. Thank you all so much for the contributions. The Food Bank was incredibly grateful for the 58.80kg of items donated.

The Swans have begun to use the art skills they have learnt in order to create their final pieces based on Henry Moore’s Shelter Drawings.

On Friday 29th September, the school hosted a coffee morning and after school cake sale in aid of McMillan Cancer Support. Thank you to the PTA who organised and ran this event; to those who supplied delicious cakes and those who came to the coffee morning and bought cakes after school. An amazing £190 was […]

The Swans have been practising creating contour lines in their art work in the style of Henry Moore. His Shelter drawings show people huddled together in the underground stations. The children got into groups of 3 and were photographed in a huddling position. They then used the forward and backward technique, shading techniques and curved […]

The children had an amazing evacuee lunch at The Shed in Sproughton. Berty was impressed with all their knowledge about WW2 and they learnt a lot more from the artefacts which he shared – including the air raid siren!

On Wednesday 20th September 2023, a Stone Age man called Sealbit travelled through time to visit the children in Woodpeckers class! The children spent the day exploring The Stone Age through hands on, immersive experiences. The children learnt how man made fire, how life changed for Stone Age people when they began farming, how they […]

In Science The Swans have been learning about specular and diffuse reflection. They were able to draw scientific diagrams to show how light is absorbed more by some materials than others. They then had some fun trying to reflect light beams to hit a target and using multiple mirrors to guide cars around a road with […]

To start our science topic on ‘Rocks’, Woodpeckers class made their own salt dough volcanoes. We then created magma and watched it as it came out of the volcano as ‘lava’. This showed us how extrusive igneous rocks are made.

In art we have begun looking at the artist Henry Moore. We explored mixing colours and different drawing media to create the different colours and effects he uses in his ‘Shelter paintings’.