Mrs Bilner
The children in Woodpeckers and Kingfishers were very excited to take part in a dinosaur workshop. The children listened carefully to Graham and Sue and were able to explore (hands on) and look at the dinosaurs. Graham explained he is a Palaeontologist and told the children he uses a hammer and brush to find fossils. […]
The children were very surprised when they found the window open, some dinosaur footprints on the table and a nest full of eggs. They were very excited about this discovery and became ‘explorers’ thinking about, and discussing the evidence they found. They came to the conclusion a dinosaur had been in the classroom!! The children […]
Thank you for your generosity towards the recent poppy appeal collection. This collection raised over £186.00
This term a number of our Key Stage 2 children have taken part in a number of sporting events. These have included : Quadkids; U11 Mixed Football; U11 Girls Football and 3 children attending a Cross Country event following their success earlier in the year. Altogether, over 25 children have been involved in, at least […]
Over the course of last year, the Eco Council together with Mrs Martin worked extremely hard on a number of Eco projects. These included one about litter and another about waste. They submitted a portfolio of evidence and were very pleased to hear they had been awarded Green Flag status with distinction. Well done to […]
On Friday 30th September, we welcomed parents and friends of the school to our Harvest Assembly. The children shared poems, songs and information about Harvest Around the World. Thank you for all the generous donations which will be forwarded on to a local Food Bank.
The Swans have been using their shading techniques to create a sense of form in their Titanic sketches. Don’t they look fantastic!
The Swans have begun to learn about the Titanic disaster in History. We researched some of the passengers on board and created ‘Who am I?’ booklets. In English, we wrote diary extracts in role as one of the passengers.
On Tuesday 19th July, the Owls and Swans performed ‘Oliver!’ for family and friends. Whilst it was an incredibly hot day, the air conditioning units certainly kept us cool. The children performed, sang and acted with confidence and said they really enjoyed it! Thank you to EVERYONE who helped put on this show. It really […]
On a very warm day, we held our sports day. Kingfishers and Woodpeckers in the morning and Swans and Owls in the afternoon. A great day was had by all – with the Green Otters being the winners! Well done to all the children and thank you to everyone who helped on the day.
On Wednesday 22nd June, the Eco-Council took a trip to Felixstowe beach and the Felixstowe recycling centre. The children spent the day litter picking and finding out about single use plastic and the effects of these on our waters. This was part of the ‘marine’ topic for the Eco award. The children also took part […]
On Tuesday 21st June, it was World Music Day and we were very excited to welcome the Sweeting Swing Band into school. They entertained us with a variety of songs and Karen explained the different instruments that made up the band. It was a fantastic experience – thank you for organising it for us, Mr Abbott! […]