Curriculum News

Rats Make an Appearance at Assembly!

Rats Make an Appearance at Assembly!

It was the turn of Owls class to host the assembly on Friday.  The children shared some poetry work, including Kennings and list poems and they also performed 'A Dinosaur Rap'. The newest additions namely Fudge & Dusty (the class rats)  made an appearance and the...

Awesome Egyptians!

Awesome Egyptians!

Our Ancient  Egyptian topic involved learning about the mummification process.  We used toilet rolls to practise mummifying different members of the Owls Class. We also learnt about pyramids and built our own using Minecraft.

Maths Day

Maths Day

On Wednesday the children and staff celebrated World Maths Day. The children had lots of fun using their mathematical knowledge to problem solve and investigate. Kingfisher Class had lots of Maths challenges which involved counting, patterns and shapes. Woodpeckers...

Spencer Bear’s Birthday

Spencer Bear’s Birthday

This week Kingfisher Class have been very busy. On Monday they received a letter from Spencer Bear's Mum asking them to organise a birthday party for Spencer Bear. The children created invitations, sorted items for party bags, wrote their own recipes for a birthday...

Safer Internet Day

Safer Internet Day

Yesterday the children took part in many activities associated with Safer Internet Day.  Learning new songs, creating posters and discussing ways they can stay safe on line. We consider website to be a good source if you wanted to discuss this...

Perfect Pancakes

Perfect Pancakes

The children in Kingfisher class enjoyed making pancakes. They all helped to weigh and measure the ingredients, sieved the flour, cracked the eggs and mixed the ingredients together with the whisk. The children then watched Mrs Jones cook the pancakes. Mrs Jones was...

Scaling the Heights!

Scaling the Heights!

Over the past half term, Owls Class have been taking part in some very interesting gymnastics lessons. They have used  different pieces of apparatus and worked in small groups to produce some routines. They have shown they understand the safety rules associated with...

Volcano Magic

Volcano Magic

It was the turn of the Owls to share their work with the Parents at Friday's assembly. They showed some photos and explained what they had been doing in gymnastics, shared some amazing writing and showed some work which they were particularly proud of.  However, the...

Our Weather Diaries

Our Weather Diaries

The children in Kingfisher Class have been recording the weather in their weather diaries this week. They have seen lots of different types of weather including rain, ice, frost, wind and clouds. The children have had the opportunity to observe the weather and record...

iPads a Big Hit

iPads a Big Hit

The children in Kingfisher Class were very excited this week as they accessed the iPads for the first time. The children were able to learn their letters and sounds and practise their handwriting too. They really enjoyed using them and had lots of fun. [gallery...

Geography Week in the Swans

Geography Week in the Swans

In the first week back after Christmas, it was Geography Week in the Swans class. The children were learning about the water cycle and rivers. We did lots of practical activities, including making watersheds. The highlight of the week was making V-shaped river valleys...

Let There Be Light!

Let There Be Light!

Last week in science, the children were learning about light; about different light sources and reflection. On Friday, we were very lucky that Mr Clark was able to visit and allowed us to experiment with different lighting equipment. This included a 'mirror ball',...

Traffic Survey

Traffic Survey

Kingfisher Class walked to the village green to conduct a survey of the traffic. The children were very excited and waited patiently for vehicles to go pass, listening carefully. When they saw a vehicle they made a mark on their chart. They saw cars, lorries, vans and...

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