The children became ‘artists’ and continued with the unit of work – Drawing: Marvellous Marks. The children thought about the question – Can we mark make using pencils to create a simple observational drawing? The children drew their self portraits using a mirror to observe their features. They were then given a halved picture of […]
The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Fun’ session with Mrs Clark and Mrs Martin. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area. The children were able to have a go at pond dipping and baking scallops for the birds. They headed over to the pond area and sat […]
The children enjoyed their yoga session with Mrs Martin and Miss Bailey. The children listened and followed instructions and performed breathing techniques and different poses. Great work Kingfishers.
The children became ‘artists’ and continued with the unit of work – Craft and Design: Woven Wonders. The children thought about the question – Can we learn how to weave? The children recalled the skills they practised last lesson and what they did to practise the skills. The children learned how to weave. They learned […]
The children enjoyed another ‘Forest Fun’ session with Mrs Clark and Mrs Martin. The children got changed into their outside clothes and headed out to the Forest Fun area. They sat in a circle and talked about the rules, they talked about birds, listening to them and looking at old nests that Mrs Martin had […]
The children were very excited about their trip to Felixstowe beach. They enjoyed the coach journey to Felixstowe and the view over the Orwell Bridge. The children arrived at Felixstowe and had a snack before going on a scavenger hunt for different features at the beach. The children enjoyed playing and exploring on the beach, […]
The children in Year One began learning about Christianity – Celebrations. The children thought about the question – How does celebrating Pentecost remind Christians that God is with them always? The children welcomed Reverend Manette into the classroom. Reverend Manette told the children all about Pentecost. The children listened to the story and were able […]
The children in Kingfishers Class held their own coronation of the King. Miss Jones told the children what happens during the coronation. The children were given different roles – King Charles III, Camila Queen Consort, Archbishop of Canterbury, people to hold the King’s and Queen’s cloaks and a group of onlookers. The children then acted […]
The Reception children had their first ‘Forest Fun’ session with Mrs Clark and Mrs Martin. The children were introduced to the Forest Fun rules and the talking stick. They were then introduced to the activities on offer – mud kitchen, sand, den building, perfumes/potion making, weed digging, free painting, seed pitting, seaside fish threading and […]
Miss Jones spoke to the children about the King. They found out that the King is going to be celebrating his coronation next month. Miss Jones told the children she thought it would be a lovely idea if the children could design and create a special card for the King. The children discussed what they […]
The children in Kingfishers class took part in a money sense workshop provided by NatWest. The workshop was called Super Smoothie Shop. The children were introduced to Sarah the volunteer from NatWest. She explained her role and what she does at the bank. The children were shown slides to get them thinking about: what money […]
The children have been very busy colouring in Easter pictures to go on an Easter Card for the older residents in the village and colouring in bunting for BlackBrook residential home. The cards will be delivered to the residents in the village and the bunting and card have been sent to BlackBrook Residental Home. Well […]