
Annie the Musical

by | 7 Jul 2023 | Music, Owls, Parents, School Events, Swans

On Wednesday 19th July, the Owls and Swans performed the musical ‘Annie’ to family, friends and staff and children in the school. The children acted and sung beautifully and confidently and wowed the audiences with their various talents, including those who helped with props and music. Of course, this performance would not have happened without […]

Netball County Final

by | 7 Jul 2023 | Extracurricular, Owls, PE, Swans

On Wednesday 21st June, a group of children represented our school in the netball county final. They played really well demonstrating good team spirit and skill. Thank you to Mrs Wyncoll and Mrs Allum for coaching and accompanying them to the tournaments.


by | 6 Jun 2023 | Extracurricular, Owls, Swans, Visitors

The children in Years 5 & 6 had the opportunity to take part in some Bikeability sessions. These sessions, which were delivered by John and Penny, taught the children some skills so they know how to keep themselves safe whilst out on their bikes on the road. All the children did extremely well.  Thanks John & […]

Science Club

by | 6 Jun 2023 | Extracurricular, Owls, Science, Swans

In the recent after school science club, the children experimented with different material to see which was the most effective to make ‘skittles’. Great fun was had by all.

Understanding the Solar System

by | 5 May 2023 | Owls, Science

Owls’ Science topic this half term is Earth and Space. We have been doing lots of activities to help us understand the structure of the solar system. Using a range of balls, trundle wheels and the school field, we tried to map out the solar system, showing the relative size of the different planets and […]

Owls’ Money Sense Workshop

by | 4 Apr 2023 | Community, Owls, Visitors

On Monday 17th April, the Owls took part in a Money Sense workshop, organised by Natwest bank. Sarah, from the bank, came to help us and to talk about her work. The children had to plan a party for a given person. They had to make decisions about things like number of guests and what […]

World Book Day Potatoes

by | 3 Mar 2023 | Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Thursday 2nd March, it was World Book Day.  This year, instead of the children dressing up – they dressed a potato as their favourite book character. The children were involved in reading activities throughout the day and there was the opportunity to share their potatoes in assembly just before the end of the day. […]

Great Biscuit Bake Off

by | 3 Mar 2023 | Design Technology, Owls

In the Owls class last week, for our DT project, we held a Great Biscuit Bake Off. First the children learnt to follow a basic biscuit recipe, practising skills such as creaming and sieving. The next day, we all tried adding our own extra ingredients to the basic dough. We did a taste test to […]

Fabulous French

by | 2 Feb 2023 | Curriculum, Languages, Owls

In Owls, our French topic is ‘Chez Moi’, which means My Home. We have been working on our pronunciation and our listening. In the last lesson, we did a paired activity. One person would read a description while the other person had to work out which set of pictures was being described. The children’s pronunciation […]

Children’s Games

by | 2 Feb 2023 | Art & Design, Owls

In Art, we studied the picture ‘Children’s Games’ by Pieter Bruegel. We decided to create our own photo collage version of the picture including the modern games that we play. The children came up with all the ideas, created the scenes and took the photos too. Here are a few snapshots.

Learning to Listen

by | 1 Jan 2023 | Owls, PSHE

In PSHE, we have been working on our listening skills and learning to listen better to others. To practise, we did an activity where we each secretly drew a picture. We sat back to back with a partner and had to describe our pictures for our partners to draw. We had to listen carefully to […]

U9 Futsal Festival

by | 1 Jan 2023 | Owls, PE

On Tuesday 17th January, some children from the Owls class took part in an Under 9 Futsal competition. They played extremely well and showed great sportsmanship and team work.  Thank you to the adults who accompanied the group!