
Dinosaur Workshop Letter

by | 2 Feb 2023 | Kingfishers, School Events

The children were all very excited  as they received a letter! Miss Jones opened it and read the letter to the children. It was a letter from Sue and Graham – the people who came and presented the dinosaur workshop!

Dinosaur Land Art

by | 2 Feb 2023 | Art & Design, History, Kingfishers

The children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question – Can we create natural 3D landscape pictures of dinosaurs, using found objects? The children found out about the artist Andy Goldsworthy and focused on his working methods and approaches and created a dinosaur using natural materials. The children showed great perseverance as it was quite […]

Pablo Picasso Inspired Art

by | 2 Feb 2023 | Art & Design, History, Swans

In art we have been painting using different tones. We have used Pablo Picasso’s painting ‘Guernica’ as as inspiration for our work. He used lots of symbolism as opposed to realism. We tried to link our work to our topic on The Transatlantic slave trade and created symbols to represent the horrors of this atrocity.

Learning to Listen

by | 1 Jan 2023 | Owls, PSHE

In PSHE, we have been working on our listening skills and learning to listen better to others. To practise, we did an activity where we each secretly drew a picture. We sat back to back with a partner and had to describe our pictures for our partners to draw. We had to listen carefully to […]

Play Dough Dinosaurs

by | 1 Jan 2023 | Art & Design, Kingfishers

The children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question – Can we explore playdough and its properties to create a dinosaur? The children listened to instructions and explored the play dough. The children were asked to create their own dinosaur sculpture. The children looked at the models of the dinosaurs and set to work making […]

Steam Power in Action!

by | 1 Jan 2023 | News, Science, Woodpeckers

As part of their Scientist study on George Stevenson, the children in Woodpeckers class have been learning about steam power.  We learned about how steam is different to smoke because smoke is from something burning, and steam is from liquid boiling. The children were able to demonstrate knowledge of the difference between steam and smoke […]

Thomas Clarkson Campaign

by | 1 Jan 2023 | English, History, Swans

The Swans have been learning about Thomas Clarkson and his campaign to abolish the Transatlantic Slave trade. They used their history skills and discussed why his chest was an important part of the campaign. They then created a role play based on the meetings Clarkson would have attended to present the contents of his chest. […]

Palaeontologists in Kingfishers

by | 1 Jan 2023 | Kingfishers, Science

The children became Palaeontologists. The children thought about what they would need to help them – hammer, brush, bag and spade. The children got their bags ready and got busy trying to find the fossils. The children were very careful and said it was going to take a long time to find them. The children […]

U9 Futsal Festival

by | 1 Jan 2023 | Owls, PE

On Tuesday 17th January, some children from the Owls class took part in an Under 9 Futsal competition. They played extremely well and showed great sportsmanship and team work.  Thank you to the adults who accompanied the group!  

Swans Graffiti Art

by | 1 Jan 2023 | Art & Design, Swans

The Swans have been learning about graffiti street art and enjoyed creating their own tag!

A visit from a Palaeontologist and Mary Anning

by | 1 Jan 2023 | History, Kingfishers, Science, Visitors, Woodpeckers

The children in Woodpeckers and Kingfishers were very excited to take part in a dinosaur workshop. The children listened carefully to Graham and Sue and were able to explore (hands on) and look at the dinosaurs. Graham explained he is a Palaeontologist and told the children he uses a hammer and brush to find fossils. […]

Dinosaur Eggs ‘Left’ in School

by | 1 Jan 2023 | Computing, English, History, Kingfishers, Science

The children were very surprised when they found the window open, some dinosaur footprints on the table and a nest full of eggs. They were very excited about this discovery and became ‘explorers’ thinking about, and discussing the evidence they found. They came to the conclusion a dinosaur had been in the classroom!! The children […]