
This half term in Geography the Year One children are exploring London. This week the children were able to identify and describe landmarks of London. The children were challenged to walk around the classroom, looking at the London landmark cards to answer questions, ticking the boxes to show the correct answer. Great work Kingfishers.

Kingfishers Class were very excited as they had received a very important letter. Miss Jones opened the envelope and read the letter from Richenda Elton (Lady in Waiting) who was writing on behalf of the Queen. The letter was thanking the children for sending congratulations cards for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

To tie in with our topic on Coasts, on Monday 20th June, Owls class went to RSPB Minsmere. In the morning, we went down to the shore and learnt about coastal erosion. We also did some beachcombing, trying to find all the things on our sheet. In the afternoon, we did a session on Habitats. […]

The children were very excited about digging up the potatoes and seeing how many they got. The children dug through the soil with their hands collecting the potatoes. The children had to look carefully to make sure they hadn’t left any. With support, the children were able to weigh their potatoes and understand that they […]

This half term the children in Kingfishers Class will be focusing on collage. Today the children found out about the artist Andy Goldsworthy. The children were asked to respond to the work of Andy Goldsworthy. The children used natural objects and the techniques of tearing, overlapping and sticking materials. Great artwork Kingfishers.
To fit in with our whole school enquiry question “Why does Stratford St Mary fascinate historians?” we focused on what the village would have been like in John Constable’s time. We found out that John Constable was alive during the Georgian period. On Thursday 26th May, we did a walk around the village looking for […]

The children in Kingfishers Class became artists. The children learned about the artist Yayoi Kusama. She is a Japanese artist who is sometimes called ‘the princess of polka dots’. Although she makes lots of different types of art – paintings, sculptures, performances and installations – they have one thing in common, DOTS! Miss Jones told […]

The children coloured in some bunting for Mrs Cousins which is going to be put up in the village for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. They also made bunting for BlackBrook Residential Home. Great teamwork Kingfishers!

The children in Kingfishers Class became bakers. The children put on their aprons and washed their hands. They discussed why they needed to wash their hands and why they shouldn’t touch anything while they were cooking. Miss Jones and Mrs Clark spoke to the children about the recipe and the children were able to say […]

During the week of the 16th of May the children were encouraged to walk to school. Parents parked their cars at the end of Strickmere and walked to school (even in the rain). In the classroom, the teachers displayed a wall chart which showed the class’ participation in Walk to School Week. The children received […]

On Tuesday 17th May, the children in Woodpeckers class loaded the double decker bus and set off excitedly for Colchester Castle (although I think they were more excited to spot Macdonalds on the way!) The children went underground into the old Roman vaults and learnt all about Boudicca, The Celts and their revolt. The children […]

The Kingfishers performed their first assembly of the school year. The children were confident to stand up and talk to the audience. The children retold the story of ‘Farmer Duck’ and sang ‘Big Red Combine Harvester’. A great assembly Kingfishers,