

by | 12 Dec 2016 | Classes

The Kingfishers welcomed Hannah the school Nurse to their classroom. She had come to talk to them about germs and washing their hands. They found out what germs were, where they are found and that they can make them ill. The children were then informed how they can prevent germs. Hannah showed the children different cuddly germs and what […]

Kingfishers Assembly

by | 12 Dec 2016 | Kingfishers, Parents

The children in Kingfishers class proudly showed their work from this half term. They told the audience they had been learning about fireworks, birthdays, friendship and penguins. The children confidently stood and spoke to the audience and were very enthusiastic singing their rhyme about fireworks and penguins! They received their merit charts and a special certificate from Miss Jones. […]

Crafts For West Suffolk Hospital!

by | 12 Dec 2016 | Achievements, Classes, Community, Fundraising, Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, School Events, Swans, Woodpeckers

Over the past couple of weeks, all the children have been set homework to create a Christmas decoration/ picture/ card to give to the patients at West Suffolk Hospital to cheer them up during their stay over the Christmas period. Miss Kluge’s Mum is a Ward Sister at the hospital and will deliver them to the patients. […]

Woodpeckers Test their Junk Model Lunchboxes!

by | 12 Dec 2016 | Curriculum, Woodpeckers

Over the past couple of weeks the Woodpeckers have been learning the story of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunchbox’ as part of their DT. In the story, Mr Grinling receives his lunch every day via a zip line that runs from his house, across the sea to the top window of the light house where he […]

Fencing Fun

by | 12 Dec 2016 | Achievements, Classes, Extracurricular, Facilities, Kingfishers, PE

Stratford St Mary recently hosted a Fencing Festival which saw 4 children from our school work with children from 2 other primary schools. Over the last few weeks, they have learnt new techniques, vocabulary and skills.  Thank you Mr Banner for organising the tournament and Mr Leroux for teaching the children – they all had a lovely […]

Festival of Rugby

by | 12 Dec 2016 | Achievements, Classes, Community, Curriculum, Owls, PE, Swans

On Wednesday 30th November, a group of Year 4 & 5 children took part in a Rugby Festival at East Bergholt High School. The children went into different groups to learn some rugby skills and then played in some matches. Thank you East Bergholt High School for hosting the tournament and to their young leaders. […]

Tag Rugby Festival

by | 11 Nov 2016 | Achievements, Extracurricular, PE, Swans

On Thursday 24th November a team from Swans class took part in a Tag Rugby Festival at Ipswich Rugby club. They did very well on what was a very cold afternoon; winning 3 games out of 5.  

Hobbling, Gobbling and Wobbling in Woodpeckers’ Class Assembly!

by | 11 Nov 2016 | Achievements, Classes, Curriculum, Parents, Woodpeckers

This week was the turn of the Woodpeckers to showcase their work from this half term. They performed the nonsense poem:  ‘Hobble, Gobble Wobble’ By Michael Rosen with actions as well as a poem they had learnt about the months and seasons. The children shared their story ideas about unlikely animal friends who teach each other […]

Christmas Penguin Experience

by | 11 Nov 2016 | Kingfishers, Trips, Woodpeckers

Today the children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class took part in a wonderful Christmas educational experience at Colchester Zoo! The children were greeted by a festive elf who helped the children learn all about penguins. They got the chance to observe real penguins up close and watched them eat their breakfast. They were then greeted by […]

An Exciting Day for the Owls!

by | 11 Nov 2016 | Classes

On Friday 18th November, two exciting events happened in the Owls class. In the morning, as part of our Geography work, we took a walk around the village. We drew sketch maps as we went and used a trundle wheel to measure the distances between places. In the afternoon, we had our Class Assembly. The […]

Penguin Challenge Afternoon

by | 11 Nov 2016 | Classes

The children in Kingfishers Class worked with a family member and created a penguin. They planned what they were going to do and what they were going to use. They constructed their model using recycled materials, cutting, sticking and painting. The children also wrote a label for their model. The children really enjoyed working with […]

Road Safety Week

by | 11 Nov 2016 | Classes, JRSO

This week the JRSOs have been busy promoting Road Safety Week to the children and staff. The JRSOs organised a Walk to School day, encouraging children and parents to walk instead of driving to school. The JRSOs were very pleased with the amount of children who walked to school. Thank you to all the children […]