
Who Let the Gods Out?

by | 10 Oct 2020 | Computing, English, History, News, Swans

To link in with our Ancient Greek topic, our whole class reading and writing for this half term was based on the book ‘Who Let the Gods Out?’ by May Evans; we also linked part of our computing topic to the book.   We spent half of our ‘computing time’ studying ‘online safety’ reminding ourselves […]

Performance Poetry

by | 10 Oct 2020 | English, Woodpeckers

This term Woodpeckers learned about kennings, an ancient form of poetry originating from the time of the Vikings! We learned and rehearsed a poem along with actions and performed it to our classmates. Kennings are riddles – can you guess what our poem was about?

The Sun – Books for School

by | 3 Mar 2020 | English, News, Parents

We didn’t collect enough Book for Schools tokens but The Sun newspaper has acknowledged us as a small school and we have been lucky enough to receive a lovely box of new books worth £600. The children have been enjoying reading the new books. Thank you again for collecting the tokens and supporting us.

World Book Day

by | 3 Mar 2020 | Classes, English, Parents

On Thursday 5th March we celebrated ‘World Book Day’. The children started the day with an assembly all about the event. The children listened to a story called ‘Look Up’. The book touched on the fact that whilst many of us are ‘ plugged in’ to technology we are often missing the wonders of the […]

100 Days of School

by | 2 Feb 2020 | English, Kingfishers, Maths, PE, School Events

On Friday 14th February, Kingfishers Class celebrated 100 days of school. We started our morning with some fun facts about the number 100. We then remembered that it was also Valentine’s Day and we learnt about St Valentine and read the book ‘That’s Love’. Combining both themes, we challenged the class to write 100 hearts […]

Special Delivery

by | 2 Feb 2020 | Classes, English, Visitors

The children were very pleased to receive their books they had ordered from James Campbell, the visiting author. The children were very excited and are looking forward to reading them. Happy Reading!

All About Owls

by | 2 Feb 2020 | English, Kingfishers

The year one children have been learning all about owls. They have created their own information posters about owls with lots of facts. The children were very pleased with their posters. Great work Kingfishers.

Amazing Author

by | 1 Jan 2020 | English, Visitors

On Tuesday 14th January,  the children welcomed James Campbell into school. James told the children he was an author, storyteller and a comedian. He told the children lots of poems with actions and the children joined in. James also told the children the Umbrella story, which the children and adults found very funny!!! James told […]

A Mysterious Letter

by | 11 Nov 2019 | English, History, News, Woodpeckers

The Woodpeckers have been comparing objects from the past in their History lessons (whilst learning about The Gun Powder Plot). The children have been comparing how we would send messages to somebody now, and how they would have been delivered in 1605. They learnt that technology helps us a lot now and was not around […]

Fabulous Fireworks Calligrams!

by | 10 Oct 2019 | English, Woodpeckers

The topic for this half term is ‘Fire, Fire’. In Literacy, we have been basing our writing on Fireworks and Bonfire Night and have been learning how to write structured calligrams. A calligram is a poem that uses its design and layout of the letters to create a visual image related to the meaning of […]

Rocket Lands

by | 7 Jul 2019 | English, Kingfishers

On Tuesday 25th June, the children in Kingfishers class were amazed to find a rocket had crashed into the outside reading area. The children had great fun exploring the crime scene and collecting evidence. The children wrote newspaper reports and thought about why the rocket had landed. On Friday the rocket disappeared! The children found […]

Royal Reply

by | 7 Jul 2019 | English, Kingfishers

Kingfishers Class were very excited as they received a very important letter. Miss Jones opened the envelope and read the letter from Claudia Spens who was writing on behalf of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The letter was thanking the children for sending congratulations cards on the birth of Baby Archie. The children each […]