
Titanic Writing from Swans

by | 9 Sep 2022 | History, Swans

The Swans have begun to learn about the Titanic disaster in History. We researched some of the passengers on board and created ‘Who am I?’ booklets. In English,  we wrote diary extracts in role as one of the passengers.

Constable Day

by | 6 Jun 2022 | Art & Design, History, Owls, Visits

To fit in with our whole school enquiry question “Why does Stratford St Mary fascinate historians?” we focused on what the village would have been like in John Constable’s time. We found out that John Constable was alive during the Georgian period. On Thursday 26th May, we did a walk around the village looking for […]

Colchester Castle Romans Fun!

by | 5 May 2022 | History, News, Visits, Woodpeckers

On Tuesday 17th May, the children in Woodpeckers class loaded the double decker bus and set off excitedly for Colchester Castle (although I think they were more excited to spot Macdonalds on the way!) The children went underground into the old Roman vaults and learnt all about Boudicca, The Celts and their revolt. The children […]

Tudor Times in Stratford St Mary

by | 5 May 2022 | History, Swans

The Swans have been learning about what Stratford St Mary would have been like in Tudor Times. Last week, we looked at how our village is linked to the Suffolk Wool Towns. We learned about a man called Thomas Mors who was a cloth manufacturer who died in 1500. He gave lots of his money […]

Exploring Texture

by | 5 May 2022 | Art & Design, History, Owls

This half term, the Owls art focus is painting. For our first lesson, we explored using and creating different textures and then painting over them. Later in the term, the children will be creating their own textured versions of some of John Constable’s masterpieces, which will link together our learning in Art and History.

Kingfishers’ Toy Museum

by | 3 Mar 2022 | English, History, Kingfishers, Parents

The children created their own toy museum. The children wrote descriptions about their toys, wrote labels and created posters which they displayed in their museum. The children became tour guides and showed their grown up around the ‘Kingfishers Toy Museum’. They told their grown up about their toy and showed them their writing and read […]

Recreating the Battle of Hastings

by | 2 Feb 2022 | English, History, Owls

In History, and in Literacy, the Owls have been learning about the Battle of Hastings. To help us understand what happened in the battle, we went outside and acted it out. We then re-created it with jelly babies!

A Royal Declaration.

by | 2 Feb 2022 | History, News, Woodpeckers

The children in Woodpeckers class have been learning about The British Empire. They have learnt about the British trading triangle between England, Africa and India. They took part in a class discussion about how the slave trade began and their opinion on it. We looked at how it still has some influence today and why […]

Stone Age Pottery

by | 10 Oct 2021 | Art & Design, History, News, Woodpeckers

This half term, the children in Woodpeckers class have enjoyed learning about The Stone Age. In Art we have looked at Stone Age cave art, drawings and pottery. This week we made our own Stone Age pots and bowls and used natural objects to help make patterns on them. We used our finger nails, sticks, […]

Water Colour Cards

by | 10 Oct 2021 | Art & Design, English, History, Swans

The children made war time thank you cards for The Shed and invitations to a ‘war time tea’ for the elderly in the village! They use watercolours and aged the card with tea!!

World War 2

by | 10 Oct 2021 | History, Swans, Trips, Visitors

The Swans had a fantastic trip to Ipswich Museum where they took part in activities linked to life in WW2. After that, we went to ‘The Shed’ for an evacuee lunch! Whilst we were there, the photographer from the Ipswich Star came and took lots of lovely photos which should appear in an article later […]

Egyptian Art Work

by | 10 Oct 2021 | Art & Design, History, Owls

As part of the Owls topic based on the Ancient Egyptians, the children created some portraits.  They also used modelling clay to make canopic jars! These were then displayed in our class museum.  The children were really proud of their creations.