
Geography Week in the Swans

by | 1 Jan 2016 | Curriculum, Swans

In the first week back after Christmas, it was Geography Week in the Swans class. The children were learning about the water cycle and rivers. We did lots of practical activities, including making watersheds. The highlight of the week was making V-shaped river valleys out of modroc. We were all really pleased with the final […]

Forest Schools

by | 1 Jan 2016 | Community, Curriculum, Facilities, Kingfishers, Parents, School Events, Trips

The children in Kingfisher Class braved the cold weather today for their first Forest Schools session with Orchard Barns. The children built dens, climbed trees, made mud pies and searched for bugs. The children had lots of fun, learning and exploring in the outside environment. Thank you Orchard Barns for letting us join your Forest Schools sessions.

Let There Be Light!

by | 1 Jan 2016 | Owls, Science

Last week in science, the children were learning about light; about different light sources and reflection. On Friday, we were very lucky that Mr Clark was able to visit and allowed us to experiment with different lighting equipment. This included a ‘mirror ball’, lights and different coloured filters.

Christingle in the Church

by | 12 Dec 2015 | Kingfishers, Owls, Parents, Religious Education, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Friday, all the children went into their ‘Houses’ to create Christingle oranges, with the older ones helping the younger ones put sweets and raisins on cocktail sticks and sticking red tape around the middle. After lunch, the children carried their oranges, which included a glowstick, down to the church.  Rev. Rosalind conducted a service, which the parents joined us […]

Letters to Father Christmas

by | 12 Dec 2015 | Achievements, Curriculum, Kingfishers, Parents

This week Kingfisher Class have been writing letters to Father Christmas. The Children were able to use their phonic knowledge,  word mats and dictionaries to help them spell words. They wrote fantastic letters, telling Father Christmas what they would like and that they had been very good! Miss Jones was so proud of their writing she […]

Kingfisher Class Assembly

by | 11 Nov 2015 | Achievements, Curriculum, Kingfishers, Parents, School Events, Visitors

The children in the Kingfisher Class performed their assembly on Friday. The work they showed was on the theme of ‘Ourselves’.  They named body parts, they spoke about the visit from Sue Hunter the Dental Nurse, they showed collages of their favourite foods, said the letters sounds of the alphabet and sang the ABC song. […]

Traffic Survey

by | 11 Nov 2015 | Community, Curriculum, Kingfishers, School Events, Trips

Kingfisher Class walked to the village green to conduct a survey of the traffic. The children were very excited and waited patiently for vehicles to go pass, listening carefully. When they saw a vehicle they made a mark on their chart. They saw cars, lorries, vans and buses. When they got back to school the […]

Transport Challenge Afternoon

by | 11 Nov 2015 | Community, Curriculum, Facilities, Kingfishers, Parents, School Events, Visitors

Today the children in the Kingfisher class and their family member took part in the transport challenge afternoon. They designed their vehicle and used lots of recycled materials to create it. When they had finished they had to evaluate their vehicle.  The children really enjoyed the afternoon and I think the adults did too! The […]

Kingfisher class visit Hall Farm

by | 11 Nov 2015 | Curriculum, Facilities, Kingfishers, Trips

Today Kingfisher class walked to Hall Farm to do the farm trail. We were able to follow a map which Ann had drawn for us. Edward kindly took us around and we saw lots of different animals. We were even followed by a goat, Miss Jones thought she had a new child in her class! We […]

School Falls Silent for Two Minutes

by | 11 Nov 2015 | Curriculum, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

Over the past few weeks in our whole school and class assemblies, we have been learning about Remembrance Day, the significance of ‘poppies’, the courage and bravery of those who worked and still work in the Armed Forces and the work of the British Legion too. At 11.00am on the 11th November, the whole school […]

Perfect Pizzas

by | 10 Oct 2015 | Curriculum, Trips, Woodpeckers

As part of their topic based on ‘Food’, Woodpeckers Class visited Pizza Express in Colchester to learn all about what happens in a restaurant and they even got the chance to make and eat their own pizzas!

Year 6 well under way & ready for SATS

by | 4 Apr 2015 | English, Maths, Swans

Year 6 are well under way to being ready to take their statutory tests in English and Maths in the week of May 11th. Please do encourage them to do the homework sent for the Easter holidays as it will be the starting point of the support club being run on Monday afternoons, starting on […]