The children had a visit from PC Kate. She told them all about her job. PC Kate showed the children her uniform and accessories and the children got to try them on. PC Kate and the children discussed how they can keep themselves safe. PC Kate told the children to remind their grown up to […]
The children were very excited to take part in The Great Fire of London Workshop. They listened to instructions and followed them and they were very well behaved. The children constructed a model of London looking at the street names. They learned about the materials, methods of construction and positioning of houses and London Bridge. […]
On Monday 25th September, the Owls class were visited by an Ancient Egyptian scribe. The children got to take part in many activities such as writing Ancient Egyptian numbers on wax tablets, mummifying a body and building an Ancient Egyptian house. We learnt that they built with mud bricks and saw how they were made. […]
On Wednesday 20th September 2023, a Stone Age man called Sealbit travelled through time to visit the children in Woodpeckers class! The children spent the day exploring The Stone Age through hands on, immersive experiences. The children learnt how man made fire, how life changed for Stone Age people when they began farming, how they […]
The children in Years 5 & 6 had the opportunity to take part in some Bikeability sessions. These sessions, which were delivered by John and Penny, taught the children some skills so they know how to keep themselves safe whilst out on their bikes on the road. All the children did extremely well. Thanks John & […]
The children in Year One began learning about Christianity – Celebrations. The children thought about the question – How does celebrating Pentecost remind Christians that God is with them always? The children welcomed Reverend Manette into the classroom. Reverend Manette told the children all about Pentecost. The children listened to the story and were able […]
The Year One children started a new unit of work called Craft and Design: Woven Wonders. The children thought about the question – Can art be made in different ways? The children were asked to look at some pictures of people doing different activities. They were asked what the similarities and differences were in the […]
In assembly time, the children had a visit from Kier. Peter told the children all about what the company Kier do – grit roads, mend roads and bridges, clear drains, cut trees etc. The JRSOs dressed up in the clothes the Suffolk Highways Road Safety Heroes wear. Peter talked about Lucy’s poster and the reason […]
On Monday 17th April, the Owls took part in a Money Sense workshop, organised by Natwest bank. Sarah, from the bank, came to help us and to talk about her work. The children had to plan a party for a given person. They had to make decisions about things like number of guests and what […]
The children in Kingfishers class took part in a money sense workshop provided by NatWest. The workshop was called Super Smoothie Shop. The children were introduced to Sarah the volunteer from NatWest. She explained her role and what she does at the bank. The children were shown slides to get them thinking about: what money […]
The children in Woodpeckers and Kingfishers were very excited to take part in a dinosaur workshop. The children listened carefully to Graham and Sue and were able to explore (hands on) and look at the dinosaurs. Graham explained he is a Palaeontologist and told the children he uses a hammer and brush to find fossils. […]
On Tuesday 21st June, it was World Music Day and we were very excited to welcome the Sweeting Swing Band into school. They entertained us with a variety of songs and Karen explained the different instruments that made up the band. It was a fantastic experience – thank you for organising it for us, Mr Abbott! […]