News About Our School
Fire Engines
The children in reception created their own fire engine. They discussed what features a fire engine had and why they are important. The children got busy selecting a box and covering it with red paper with Mrs Clark’s support. The children added the features to the...
Harvest Assembly
On Friday 18th October, we held our Harvest Assembly in the school hall. The children sang songs and read some beautiful poems. We also collected some non-perishable goods which will donated to the Colchester Food Bank. Thank you for your generosity. [gallery...
RE in Woodpeckers
This week in RE, we have been learning all about forgiveness and why forgiveness is an important part of being a Christian. We looked at the story of The Lost Son and thought about what lessons it taught to Christians. We also discussed The Lord's Prayer and why it is...
The New JRSOs
The new JRSOs were able to meet Holly the Road Safety Officer to talk about their role as a JRSO. The JRSOs were very excited to receive their JRSO packs and badges. The JRSOs thought about what they would like to do and achieve this year to support Road Safety at...
Autumn Themed Forest Schools
The children had their last ‘Forest Schools’ session of this half term with Mrs Clark, Debs and Mrs Martin. The children sat in the wooden stump circle and listened to Mrs Martin. They were told that they were going to make some yummy apple slices on the fire and were...
Road Safety Workshop
The children joined Holly the Road Safety Officer for a Road Safety workshop. Holly asked the children how they travelled to school that morning. They discussed what they already knew about Road Safety - look both ways, keep your seatbelts on, look out for fast cars....
Clarice Cliff Circle Tree Plate
The children became ‘artists’ and continued focusing on - Painting and Mixed Media. The children thought about the question - Can you apply your painting skills when working in the style of an artist? Miss Jones showed the children an image of a Clarice Cliff’s Circle...
Owls’ Food Waste Workshop
On Tuesday 8th October, Sam from the food waste team at Babergh Council visited us in school. She did a whole school assembly, a parent drop in session and a workshop with each class. In Owls' workshop, we looked at whether thrown away food items were edible or...
Food Savvy
The children welcomed Sam from the Waste Department at Babergh District Council into their school. In assembly Sam spoke to the children about Halloween and about pumpkins. The children were told 16 million pumpkins will go to waste this year. The children were told...
ELSA Study
Children were invited to take part in the ELSA study run by researchers at the University of Birmingham. The ELSA study is a screening programme for children, aged 3-13 years to find out their risk of getting type 1 diabetes.
McMillan Coffee Morning
On Friday 4th October, the PTA organised a coffee morning and cake sale with the proceeds going to the McMillan Cancer Support charity. Thank you for your generosity - an amazing £219 was raised.
The reception children became artists and used ‘loose parts’ to create a collage. The children were encouraged to use the ‘loose parts’ to create fireworks. Great work Kingfishers.
Maths in Woodpeckers!
In maths this half term, both year groups have looked at place value. We identified what each digit represented in a two or three digit number and could partition given numbers into hundreds, tens and ones.
All about tenses!
This week and last week we have been learning about the simple past and the simple present tense. We found out that regular verbs add the suffix -ed to make them the simple past tense. Some irregular verbs changed completely when talking about the past, e.g. fight to...
Greek Scientists – Hippocrates
Owls' Science topic this half term is linked to our History topic on the Ancient Greeks. We have been looking at Ancient Greek scientists and the contribution they made to our modern understanding of science. This week, we looked at Hippocrates - "the father of modern...
Titanic Biographies
In History, the Swans have been writing biographies about the different passengers on board the Titanic. They loved the creative slant to this task!
Outdoor Art
The Reception children became ‘artists’. The children went on a walk to collect natural objects such as feathers, grass, flower buds or heads, leaves, twigs, pine cones. The children looked at the collection and discussed how they might use the objects to create...
Our Titanic display
The Swans have been writing diaries in role as somebody on board the Titanic. They have also produced some amazing sketches of the ship.
Anglo-Saxons Invade!
Today we reported on the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons, explaining who they were and where they came from. We added a picture, caption and headline to our short newspaper report.
Titanic History
We have been learning about the different classes on board Titanic. The children were given the freedom to present their work however they saw fit - there were some amazing results!
Thinking about Bird Wildlife in Forest Schools
The children had their‘ Forest Fun’ session with Mrs Clark and Mrs Martin. The children sat in the tree stump circle and talked about birds and how we will need to start thinking about looking after them during the winter months. The children listened to a bird song...
Titanic Science
The Swans have been thinking about how the freezing temperatures affected the people in the water when Titanic sank. They carried out some investigations that compared their fine motor control before and after their hands had been in the very cold water! [gallery...
Learning the Keyboard
This week, the Woodpeckers have been learning the keys on a keyboard, typing up some information about the Anglo-Saxons. They used ctrl a to highlight text, ctrl b to make their writing bold and learnt other 'shortcuts' on the keyboard.
July 2024, saw the Year 4, 5 & 6s perform 'Matilda the Musical' to a packed school hall. The children acted, sang, performed and wowed the audience with their amazing talents! Here are a selection of photos. [gallery...