News About Our School

Woodpeckers’ Class Assembly.

Woodpeckers’ Class Assembly.

This week was the turn of the Woodpeckers to showcase their work from this half term. They showed their Autumn leaf sculptures and explained how they were made. They also shared some of their writing. In Literacy they had made their own books with the next chapter of...

Speed Check

Speed Check

The new JRSO's first job was to join the Community Speed Watch Team on their speed check. The JRSO's were very excited and ready with their clipboards and pencils to take down information. The Community Speed Watch Team explained to the JRSO's what they had to do and...

Denim Delight

Denim Delight

On Friday 30th September, the children had the opportunity of wearing denim to school. We raised £76.00 as a result which will be sent off to the charity.  Thank you for your support.

Swans Become Junior Pizzaiolos!

Swans Become Junior Pizzaiolos!

Swans class had the opportunity to visit Pizza Express in Colchester. They learnt about the history of Pizza Express restaurants, what different ingredients are used to make a pizza as well as having the opportunity of making (and eating) their own pizzas. Thank you...

Marvellous Mud

Marvellous Mud

The mud kitchen was open for business today, for Kingfishers Class! They were all very excited and listened carefully to the mud kitchen rules. When they were outside and were playing with the kitchen they independently changed their shoes for welly boots and with...

Blackberry Picking

Blackberry Picking

On Wednesday 28th September, the Owls class went blackberry picking around the village. As well as picking lots of delicious blackberries, Mr Wheals taught the children how to recognise some other sorts of autumn berries and plants. The fruit that we collected is...

Owls Class Assembly

Owls Class Assembly

On Friday 23rd September, it was the Owls Class's turn to show their work from the term so far. The children read their stories, showed their artwork, performed dialogues in French and demonstrated Science experiments. But the highlight of the assembly was the...

Walk Around The Village

Walk Around The Village

The Kingfishers Class went for a walk around the village to look at the different types of buildings there are in the village. They listened to the adults and followed instructions carefully. While the children walked around the village they ticked off the different...

Planting Bulbs

Planting Bulbs

Kingfisher Class have been very busy planting tulip bulbs with Mrs Clark. They discussed together what the bulbs needed to grow and in which season they will grow. The children each chose a spot in the earth to plant their bulb and following instructions, used a...

Monet Masterpiece

Monet Masterpiece

Children from Key Stage Two have been enjoying Art Club with Miss Jones and Mrs Kite. The children have been recreating their own version of Monet's painting of the water lily pond and bridge. The children used their fingertips to mix and paint their masterpiece....

Swans & Space

Swans & Space

The Swans class were first to share their work in class assembly. They had been learning about Earth & Space and explained the differences between heliocentric and geocentric and also how ideas about the solar system had changed over time.  They could also tell us...

House Building in Construction Club!

House Building in Construction Club!

On Wednesday some of Key Stage One enjoyed their team work challenge at Construction club after school . They had to make a building out of construction play equipment and work as a team. They had to show good speaking and listening skills and work together on their...

Autumn Leaf Sculptures

Autumn Leaf Sculptures

This term Woodpeckers have been learning about Sculptures in Art. They have looked at different sculpture making materials and learnt skills needed to make a sculpture. As a class the children picked their own leaves and use clay to make and Autumn leaf shaped...

Sewing Success

Sewing Success

Some of the Woodpeckers class are enjoying an after school sewing club.  They are learning to thread needles and how to make a stitch. They all enjoyed the club, but realised just how tricky it was.

Music Maestro!

Music Maestro!

Each week, the Owls class will be receiving violin lessons.  In the first week, they were learning how to hold the instruments as well as pluck the strings. They hope to be able to play and share some tunes soon! ...

Sports Day Success

Sports Day Success

Thursday saw Stratford St Mary host sports day.  All the children took part in various events; throwing, jumping, sprinting and a fun run. Children gained points for their house group for how far they threw and jumped and then competed against each other in the...

Kingfisher Assembly

Kingfisher Assembly

The children in Kingfisher Class were very excited to show their work to their parents, family members and the rest of the school in assembly. The children spoke about their work on potatoes. They told everyone how they looked after them and how they harvested...

JRSOs On Radio Suffolk

JRSOs On Radio Suffolk

The JRSOs were interviewed by Radio Suffolk, they talked proudly about what they had done to promote road safety within school. The  JRSOs were asked lots of questions which they answered confidently; Mrs Bilner and Miss Jones were also interviewed. The JRSOs then...

Help from BT

Help from BT

Last Thursday, our school had the pleasure of welcoming Mrs Carney and a team from BT.  After enjoying a school lunch, they worked tirelessly in our school grounds for a few hours; chopping trees, weeding, digging and clearing.  The school grounds look much tidier as...

Owls Debate

Owls Debate

For the past 3 weeks, Owls class have been working on persuasive writing.  They have been looking at the 'fors' and 'againsts' of zoos. The class split into 2 groups; one group trying to persuade Mr Bassett why zoos were are good thing and the other group trying to...

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