Miss Jones

Elmer Returns

by | 11 Nov 2019 | Community, News

Our Elmer ‘Swanning around in Constable Country’ has been returned to us after his stay in Christchurch Mansion. Elmer’s new home is in the school library. It’s great to have Elmer back and for him to be part of our school again.

Museum of East Anglian Life

by | 11 Nov 2019 | Kingfishers, Trips, Visits

On Thursday 7th November Kingfisher Class went on their trip to the Museum of East Anglian Life. The children were very excited when they saw they were travelling on a double decker coach. The children took part in their learning session. The children listened carefully to what Jo had to say. She asked them questions […]

The Sun Free Books For School

by | 11 Nov 2019 | Community, Fundraising, Parents

The Sun is offering primary schools the chance to claim a set of free Collins Big Cat books worth over £600. We have registered our school to take part and we need your help to claim this great offer. We need to collect 3,500 tokens which will be printed in The Sun every day from […]

Library Visits

by | 11 Nov 2019 | Community, Facilities, Visitors

The librarians welcomed children from Orchard Barns to the school library. The librarians showed the children around and told them how to use the library. The librarians read the children some stories. Orchard Barns will have the opportunity to visit our library weekly and borrow books to take back to their setting. Thank you for […]

Games Club

by | 11 Nov 2019 | Extracurricular, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers

Children from Year One and Two joined Miss Jones for ‘Games Club’ on Thursday after school. The children learnt how to  play different board games. The children listened carefully to instructions and took turns. Lots of fun and laughter.

Brightness Day

by | 11 Nov 2019 | JRSO, School Events

Children and staff participated in ‘GloWeek’ by dressing up in their brightest clothes on Friday 1st November 2019. The children and staff came to school wearing bright clothes and donated £1 to the Child Brain Injury Trust. We raised over £70 for the charity. The JRSOs also organised a competition for the children to enter. […]

Rocket Lands

by | 7 Jul 2019 | English, Kingfishers

On Tuesday 25th June, the children in Kingfishers class were amazed to find a rocket had crashed into the outside reading area. The children had great fun exploring the crime scene and collecting evidence. The children wrote newspaper reports and thought about why the rocket had landed. On Friday the rocket disappeared! The children found […]

Royal Reply

by | 7 Jul 2019 | English, Kingfishers

Kingfishers Class were very excited as they received a very important letter. Miss Jones opened the envelope and read the letter from Claudia Spens who was writing on behalf of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. The letter was thanking the children for sending congratulations cards on the birth of Baby Archie. The children each […]

Best Moments

by | 6 Jun 2019 | Kingfishers, Parents, School Events

On Friday 28th June, Kingfishers Class performed their last assembly of the school year. The children proudly talked about what their best moment was of the school year. They also did a poem about a year in Kingfishers Class and sang a song ‘Baby T- Rex’. The children all received a certificate for a fantastic […]

Glorious Gold

by | 6 Jun 2019 | JRSO, News, School Events

The JRSOs attended the annual Junior Road Safety Awards Event at Endeavour House in Ipswich. The JRSOs listened to presentations from other JRSOs and participated in a question and answer session. The JRSOs were awarded a gold award for their scrapbook which informed others of what they had done to encourage and promote road safety […]


by | 6 Jun 2019 | Achievements, Fundraising, Parents

We are very pleased to announce we have raised over £800 from the Elmer Readathon. A big ‘Thank you’ to everyone who participated and for all the people who sponsored the children. The money raised will be donated to St Elizabeth Hospice – The Elmer Project. Thank you again for supporting this event.

Dinosaur Museum

by | 6 Jun 2019 | English, Kingfishers, Parents, Science

Over the past two weeks, the children in Kingfishers Class have been learning about dinosaurs. The children were given the task of creating a dinosaur museum. The children worked hard creating guide books, writing amazing facts about dinosaurs and painting pictures of them. The children were very proud of their museum and invited their parents […]