
Owls Dance

by | 9 Sep 2018 | Curriculum, Owls, PE

This half term, the Owls class are working on some dance activities on the theme Extreme Earth. We started by looking at Volcanoes. The children worked in pairs to show the four stages of a volcanic eruption (still volcano, gentle rumbling, explosion, lava trickling). The music we used was Vivaldi Techno. The children worked really […]

Kingfishers Assembly

by | 7 Jul 2018 | Curriculum, Kingfishers, News, Parents

Kingfishers Class performed their last assembly of the school year. The children were confident to stand up and talk to the audience. The children proudly talked about what they had been doing during the week which included their visit to Eyke Primary School to see their Pen Pals and their tiger tea party. They also talked about what […]

Pen Pal Visit

by | 7 Jul 2018 | Kingfishers, Trips, Visits

The children were very excited as they were going on a trip to visit their pen pals at Eyke Primary School. The children really enjoyed the fact that they were able to see over the Orwell bridge! When they arrived at Eyke School, Ash class greeted them with banners. The children had the opportunity to chat with […]

Tiger Tea Party

by | 7 Jul 2018 | Kingfishers, School Events

Kingfisher Class enjoyed a day full of activities based on the story of ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. The children worked in groups to retell the story using puppets and masks. The children worked in pairs to work out how much Sophie’s mum had spent on the shopping after the tiger had been to tea. […]

Our Day Out in London

by | 7 Jul 2018 | News, Owls, Swans, Trips, Visits, Woodpeckers

What an amazing day Years  2-6 had in London. Sightseeing on the coach, a trip to the Imperial War Museum for some, a visit to the Cabinet War Rooms for others (and a look at Horse Guards Parade – as well as watching them change the guards) before meeting up at St James Park for […]

Woodpecker Class Assembly

by | 7 Jul 2018 | News, Woodpeckers

Thursday 5th July was the turn of The Woodpeckers to share their learning from the past term. They showed off their Maths skills using division and remainders as well as reading some parts of their book reviews that they have been working on. They shared their knowledge of how to help look after the environment by […]

RAF 100 Years Fly Past

by | 7 Jul 2018 | Kingfishers, News, Owls, Swans, Woodpeckers

On Tuesday 10th July, the children gathered on the field to watch the RAF100 fly past.  The children waved flags as the planes passed overhead. The Red Arrows left a trail of red, white and blue and another planes tilted its wings and flashed its light! It certainly was a spectacular sight.

Network Rail

by | 6 Jun 2018 | JRSO, Kingfishers, Owls, Swans, Visitors, Woodpeckers

This week, the children welcomed two visitors from Network Rail. Our visitors spoke to the children about the dangers of railway tracks. They were told that many people take shortcuts or trespass on Britain’s railways. The visitors told them about different incidents that take place like young people playing chicken, vandalism such as spraying graffiti and throwing of […]

Going For Gold

by | 6 Jun 2018 | Achievements, Environment, Kingfishers, News

Today Kingfishers Class received their Silver award for the RSPB Wild Challenge. The children received a banner and were very excited to see it displayed on the fence of the outside area. We hope you have seen it! The children received a letter thanking them for making a considerable contribution to the welfare of the environment and […]

Kate Greenaway Book Event

by | 6 Jun 2018 | English, News, Swans, Visits

Three of the Swans class recently visited East Bergholt High School to take part in a book event. Before the event, our school and other local primary schools received a book (a different one for each school).  Each school had to present their book to the others before deciding on the overall favourite. Thank you […]

Father’s Day Lunch

by | 6 Jun 2018 | Community, Kingfishers, News, Owls, Parents, Swans, Woodpeckers

Thursday 14th June, saw over 40 dads, grandads and male representatives join us for Father’s Day lunch. Rachel and Georgina cooked a delicious roast beef meal, followed by apple crumble and custard. It was lovely to see so many of you join us; the children certainly enjoyed showing you the lunch time routines and taking […]

Woodpeckers Learn About Greenhouse Gases.

by | 6 Jun 2018 | News, Science, Woodpeckers

This term, Woodpeckers class have been learning about the environment. We have learnt about climate change and the effects of greenhouse gases on global warming. We conducted an experiment to see how the greenhouse effect works. We built two Lego houses and put a block of ice inside each. We then put the houses in […]