
Tremendous Tag

by | 11 Nov 2018 | PE, Swans

Our Year 5 & 6 children recently took part in a Tag Rugby Festival at St Joseph’s College, Ipswich. The children competed well, show strength, encouragement and determination.  We won 1 game, drew 2 and lost 3. We done everyone!

Robotics @ BT

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Computing, News, Swans, Visits

On Friday 10th November, the Year 5 children went to BT @ Adastral Park to take part in a Crumble Bot session. The children were tasked with creating a program that would enable the Crumble Bot Car to flash different coloured lights; to make it stop when it came across a black line and to […]

Spencer Bear’s Birthday

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Design Technology, English, Kingfishers, Maths, News

The children received a letter from Spencer’s Mummy explaining that it was going to be Spencer Bear’s Birthday and she wanted the children to plan a party for him. The Year One children wrote Spencer Bear’s Mummy a letter explaining what they were going to do – the Reception children wrote invitations, made birthday cards and bunting, […]

Remembrance Day Medals

by | 11 Nov 2018 | English, History, News, Owls

This week in school is Remembrance Week. As part of this topic, the Owls class made Remembrance Day medals. The children had to listen to Mrs Marshall very carefully and follow her instructions. To tie in with their Literacy work, the children then wrote instructions for how to make the medals. Well done Owls!

Rainforest Researchers

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Geography, News, Woodpeckers

This week, Woodpeckers Class have been learning about The Rainforest. They are going to write fact files. To find out about the Rainforest, the children had to use resources to research and answer questions in pairs and on their own which inspired them to take charge of their own learning! The children used non fiction books, […]

Bikeability Fun!

by | 11 Nov 2018 | PE, Swans

At the beginning of this half term, our Year 5 children were put through their paces during their 2-day Bikeability course.  Mr Ross and Mr Hooley taught the children the necessary skills to be safe on their bikes – firstly in the playground and then whilst out on the road. All the children passed their […]

Movement of the Moon

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Science, Swans

In Science, we have been looking at all things Space! We have looked at the solar system, astronomers and the Earth and Moon. To finish off the unit, we made models that show the movement of the moon and its path of travel around the Earth.

Puzzling Prime Numbers

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Maths, News, Swans

Recently in Swans class, the children have been investigating prime numbers. They had to work out how many prime numbers there are between 1-100, using everything they had learnt; multiples, factors and their times tables! To make it more fun, it was a competition with prizes. Congratulations to our winners!

Fantastic Fireworks

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Art & Design, Kingfishers

This week in History, the Year One children have been learning about Guy Fawkes and The Gunpowder Plot and the Reception children have been creating their own fireworks using a salad spinner. They painted fireworks while listening to Handel’s firework music. Mrs Clark explained Handel was a composer who wrote music and that the music was classical. The […]

U7 Futsal Festival

by | 11 Nov 2018 | PE, Woodpeckers

On Thursday 1st October, seven children from the Woodpeckers class took part in an U7 Futsal Festival at Inspire Suffolk. They played 8 matches in total against 4 other schools: St Pancras, Shotley, The Oaks and Bucklesham. There was plenty of fancy footwork, hard work and great sportsmanship on display from the children. They all […]

CSI Friday!

by | 10 Oct 2018 | Science, Swans, Visits

On Friday 12th October, the year 6’s of Swans class ventured out to East Bergholt High School to help solve the mystery of the disappearing watch! The children had to whittle down the suspects by trying their hands at DNA extraction using pineapple juice; blood sampling, where they had to discover who shared the same […]

House Challenge Session

by | 10 Oct 2018 | Design Technology, Parents, School Events

This morning the children worked with a family member and created a model of their house. They planned what they were going to do and what they were going to use. They constructed their model using recycled materials. The children used their cutting and sticking skills. The children really enjoyed working with their family member and […]