News About Our School

Pretty Poppies

Pretty Poppies

Miss Jones and the children discussed Remembrance Day. Miss Jones told the children all about why we wear poppies. The children watched a short CBeebies animation. (It sees war as experienced by animals in a WWI battlefields). After playtime the children joined the...

Harvest Poetry & Prayers

Harvest Poetry & Prayers

Woodpeckers Class have been discussing the incredible work achieved by farmers and food producers, both here in the UK and around the world. To express our gratitude this harvest, we chose to write either a poem or a prayer on the theme of 'Thankfulness'. Here is a...

Searching for Titanic Treasure

Searching for Titanic Treasure

In science, the children have been exploring magnetism. They looked at attraction and repulsion which led onto a discussion of how compasses work. We looked at photos of the compass on board Titanic and spoke about why it was placed on the upper deck and not in the...

Titanic Biographies

Titanic Biographies

As part of the topic entitled 'Significant Events', the children in the Swans class are learning about the 'Titanic'. In our recent history lesson, the children were given the name of a passenger who was on board the passenger ship; they then had to research facts...



In Kingfishers Class the children have been learning about ‘Harvest’. The children have been thinking about how important the Farmers are and being thankful for their food. The children were tasked with creating their own scarecrows so they could help the Farmers...

Dynamic Drumming

Dynamic Drumming

Throughout the half term, the Swans class have been working with our music teacher to learn how to play the drums.  The children learnt different rhythms, beats and pieces of music. The children then performed a 5 minute dynamic piece of music.  Unfortunately, due to...

Greek Pottery

Greek Pottery

Our history topic this half term was based on the Ancient Greeks and we investigated the question 'Were the Greeks similar to us'.  We researched this topic in great detail and realised there were both similarities and differences; the Greeks were much more gruesome...

Who Let the Gods Out?

Who Let the Gods Out?

To link in with our Ancient Greek topic, our whole class reading and writing for this half term was based on the book 'Who Let the Gods Out?' by May Evans; we also linked part of our computing topic to the book.   We spent half of our 'computing time' studying 'online...

Performance Poetry

Performance Poetry

This term Woodpeckers learned about kennings, an ancient form of poetry originating from the time of the Vikings! We learned and rehearsed a poem along with actions and performed it to our classmates. Kennings are riddles - can you guess what our poem was about?...

Cup Coders

Cup Coders

This week Woodpeckers Class learned to code. Our pupils paired up and stepped into the role of either a 'programmer' or a 'robot'. The programmer's job was to write a successful algorithm (set of instructions) to enable the 'robot' to build a stack of plastic cups. We...

Dinosaur Topic Finale

Dinosaur Topic Finale

To end our dinosaur topic, the children in Kingfishers Class showed their grown ups their dinosaur models, clay fossils and dinosaur moving pictures. They were very excited and were able to explain what they had been learning about in class this half term.  Well done...

Vikings in the Woodpeckers Class

Vikings in the Woodpeckers Class

This term we have been learning all about the Vikings. We have learned some traditional Viking myths and stories, as well as a more modern Viking tale - the Saga of Bjorn. It is the story of the mighty warrior Bjorn and the battles he faces on his final (sometimes...

Moving Pictures

Moving Pictures

In DT the children have enjoyed creating 'Moving Dinosaur Pictures'. The children used levers and hinges to make their pictures move. They thought about the tools and materials they needed and the skills they needed to use. The children also created a lovely...

Favourite Footwear

Favourite Footwear

On Wednesday 7th October the children and staff wore their favourite footwear to school as part of Walk to School week. There was a range of different footwear from flashing trainers to pink unicorn slippers. We have raised over £70 for 'Living Street' charity. Thank...

Walk To School Week

Walk To School Week

During the week of the 5th of October the children were encouraged to walk to school. This year due to the current situation staff were unable to provide a ‘Walking Bus’, but this didn’t stop children and parents from walking to school. They parked their cars at the...

Crafting Clay

Crafting Clay

This half term Kingfishers Class have been learning about dinosaurs. In Art the children have been using clay. They have created their own dinosaur fossils and their own dinosaur models. The children have learnt different techniques while using the clay - rolling,...

Gleaming Gold

Gleaming Gold

The annual Junior Road Safety Awards Event at Endeavour House in Ipswich was cancelled this year because of the coronavirus. The JRSOs were asked to send their scrapbook via email. The JRSOs were awarded a gold award for their scrapbook which informed others of what...

Home Learning – Week 1

Thank you for all your emails and photos from Week 1 of Home Learning. It seems lots of you have been creative and made rainbows for the window, baked cakes, made fairy gardens and puppets amongst other things;  been active with bike rides (over 20 miles by one...

Dissecting Daffodils

Dissecting Daffodils

This week,  the Woodpeckers have been learning about the different parts and functions of a flower. They were able to be real scientists and work together to dissect daffodils to reveal the hidden parts of a flower! The children were amazed to see the baby seeds from...

Murder Mystery in Swans Class

Murder Mystery in Swans Class

Swans came in from break on Wednesday to find that an alarming crime had been committed in their classroom! An outline of a 'body' was found in the middle of the class, and the children (now members of the Stratford St Mary Police Academy) had to solve the clues that...

Skittle Science

Skittle Science

To celebrate Science week the children in Kingfishers class became scientists. The children listened to the story of the ‘Mixed Up Chameleon’ and we did the Skittle experiment and a chromatography experiment focusing on colour! Before we embarked on our investigation,...

The Sun – Books for School

The Sun – Books for School

We didn't collect enough Book for Schools tokens but The Sun newspaper has acknowledged us as a small school and we have been lucky enough to receive a lovely box of new books worth £600. The children have been enjoying reading the new books. Thank you again for...

World Book Day

World Book Day

On Thursday 5th March we celebrated 'World Book Day'. The children started the day with an assembly all about the event. The children listened to a story called ‘Look Up’. The book touched on the fact that whilst many of us are ‘ plugged in’ to technology we are often...

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