News About Our School

Gardening in the Swans

Gardening in the Swans

On Monday afternoon, the Swans spent the afternoon doing some gardening around the school grounds. The children got stuck in to planting, weeding and watering, as well as collecting wood for a bonfire. They also worked on finishing the design for our garden...

High 5 & Handball

High 5 & Handball

This week was rather busy for our sports teams.  On Tuesday, 8 Owls class children took part in a handball tournament at Inspire Ipswich.   We didn't win the tournament, but all the children showed great skill, team work and determination. On Friday 8...

Rainforest Safari Cars!

Rainforest Safari Cars!

This week the Woodpeckers have been constructing junk model safari cars to travel through the rainforest! They have measured and created their own wheel axles using kebab skewers and fixed on their wheels using plastercine. They made sure sharp ends were covered and...

Woodpeckers Share Their Work.

Woodpeckers Share Their Work.

This week was the Woodpeckers' class assembly. The children showed off their knowledge of the Rainforest by sharing information from their fact files and Geography work based around continents and oceans. Children could talk about which continents had Rainforests...

Tropical Wings

Tropical Wings

The Kingfisher and Woodpecker Classes went to Tropical Wings Zoo. The children and adults enjoyed looking at different animals like lemurs, wallabies, meerkats, monkeys and birds. The children were able to walk around the tropical butterfly house and had butterflies...

Kingfishers Share Their Work

Kingfishers Share Their Work

Kingfishers class were proud to present their work to parents and the rest of the school at their assembly today.   They showed the rainforest animals that they had painted and snakes that they had cut out themselves.  A performance of the original poem they had...

Sowing, Growing & Measuring

Sowing, Growing & Measuring

Kingfisher children have been very busy planting potatoes, peas and cress. They have been caring for their seeds and are enjoying watching them grow. The children have been observing the changes to their cress seeds and have been recording the measurements in their...

Kingfishers Explore the Rainforest

Kingfishers Explore the Rainforest

The rainforest appeared in the Kingfishers role play area over the Easter holidays, with flashing lights and rainforest noises. The children have had a fantastic time exploring it. The children have enjoyed being explorers looking for the animals hiding in the trees,...

Rocket Seeds Take Off

Rocket Seeds Take Off

We are very excited to be conducting an experiment with rocket seeds that have been on an incredible journey, having travelled all the way to space and back. Thousands of schools applied to take part in the experiment organised by the Royal Horticultural Society and...

Owls Assembly

Owls Assembly

Owls Class shared photographs and explained about their recent visit to Trinity Park for the Schools Farm and Country Show. They also showed their research of where Rainforests are in the world and one member of the class played his violin. Well done Owls, a great...

Fun at the Farm Show

Fun at the Farm Show

On Thursday 21st April, Owls class joined approximately 4000 other Suffolk School children at Trinity Park for the annual Schools Farm and Country Show.  They were able to take part in many different activities.  They made their own fruit smoothies using 'pedal...

Swans Class Assembly

Swans Class Assembly

On Friday 15th April, it was the Swans Class Assembly. The children read some of the newspaper reports they had been writing, and reported on recent class events, such as biscuit making, Bikeability and the basketball tournament. The highlight was the investigative...

Ground Force Day Digs In

Ground Force Day Digs In

It may have been a bit wet but it didn’t deter the handful of hardened gardeners who turned up on Saturday to do some tidying up in the school grounds. It was a fun and productive few hours and we managed to clear the area where the compost bins are and get piles of...

Ski Club Reaches New Heights

Ski Club Reaches New Heights

Over 20 children took to the slopes for another series of ski lessons. Lots of the children were skiing from the top, some were flying over the 'moguls' (bumps), but most importantly all the children learnt new skills and had a fantastic time - and can't wait for the...

Baking in the Swans

Baking in the Swans

As part of our DT work, the Swans designed and made dairy and nut free ginger biscuits. We based our designs around Easter. We also brought in our Maths work on ratio, as we had to double the quantities given in the recipe. The results were delicious! [gallery...

Church Visit

Church Visit

Kingfisher Class took a walk to Stratford St Mary church and were greeted by Reverend Rosalind. The trip to the church linked to this terms topic of cultural celebrations and the children are learning about the church and what it is used for. Reverend Rosalind...

Bikeability Success

Bikeability Success

7 children from the Swans class were recently involved in a 2-day Bikeability course. They learnt some basic manoeuvres and also how to ride their bike safely on the road, showed an awareness of potential hazards and also demonstrated a basic understanding of the...

Forest School Fire

Forest School Fire

The children enjoyed another Forest School session. They recapped over the rules and learnt some extra rules as they were going to have a fire. The children got actively involved collecting sticks for the fire. Leanne told the children how to make a fire and the...

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