News About Our School
Artistic responses to a story
For our Art topic this half term we have been exploring different types of marks and using them to respond to different stimuli. Today we listened to the story of Pattan's Pumpkin and applied our learning of different mark making. As artists, we used paint to create...
A Royal Declaration.
The children in Woodpeckers class have been learning about The British Empire. They have learnt about the British trading triangle between England, Africa and India. They took part in a class discussion about how the slave trade began and their opinion on it. We...
Mark Making in Art
On Tuesday 11th January the children in Woodpecker class were tasked with using different tools to create particular types of mark. The children used straws, thick and thin paint brushes, glue spreaders, sticks, pipe cleaners and cutlery to experiment with creating...
Good Vibrations
As part of our Science topic on Sound, the Owls investigated how sounds were made. By experimenting with ukuleles, rubber bands and rulers, we established that sounds were made by vibrations. We then made "telephones" out of cups and string, and tried to apply our...
Cooking and Manners
Mrs Martin has been working with groups of children developing their cooking skills and table manners. The children made sandwiches and cakes. They weighed the ingredients, mixed, cut and grated different food items. The reception children practised their table...
Games and Construction Club
The children all enjoyed games and construction club. They enjoyed playing and socialising with their friends.
Sound Scientists
This half term, in Science, the Owls are looking at Sound. To launch the topic, the children were challenged to come up with their own enquiry questions about sound. They were given access to a range of equipment and question maker resources. The children were very...
Road Safety Competition
The pupils took part in the Road Safety competition to highlight the role of operatives working on Suffolk’s roads and the challenges they face. Lots of entries were received, and one of our pupils was chosen to be the winner for our educational area. Huge...
Traction Man
This half term the children in Year One have been focusing on the book 'Traction Man' during their literacy lessons. The children have been re-enacting and illustrating scenes using small world. The children have created their own scenes, characters and missions for...
This week the reception children have been learning about the season Winter . They have been finding wintery objects outside while completing Maths challenges. They have been on a winter hunt looking for different items and completing a checklist. They have also been...
Skellig ‘Feathers’
The Swans have been doing observational drawings of feathers to create their English display. They will be using David Almond’s book ‘Skellig’ as a medium for their writing this term.
A Miracle in Town
The children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers Class performed A Miracle in Town to a packed audience in Stratford St Mary church. The children had lots of fun entertaining the audience with their version of the nativity and were in good voice singing the fun songs. Well...
Colchester Zoo Penguin Experience
Kingfishers Class took part in a wonderful Christmas educational experience at Colchester Zoo. The children were greeted by a festive elf who helped them learn all about penguins. The children observed two real penguins up close to test what they had learnt. Father...
It’s Good To Grow From Morrisons
A big thank you to everyone who helped us to collect the tokens from Morrisons part of the 'It's Good to Grow' scheme. We collected 2286 tokens. We are using the tokens to purchase heated propagators. We look forward to using them to help us grow lots of plants. Thank...
Observational Drawings
The Swans have being doing observational drawings of migratory birds. This week we used magnifying glasses to look closely at the colour and texture of the feathers. We then used watercolour paints to paint over our sketches. The children used a variety of drawing...
3D Art
This half term, the children are creating 3D Art. The children have investigated the possibilities of working with clay. The children were introduced to the story of Henry the Pebble and his Family. Miss Jones told the story and the children followed the story...
Road Safety Week
During the week of Monday 15th - Friday 19th November 2021 the children participated in Road Safety Week. The JRSOs encouraged parents and children to walk to school during this week. On Friday 19th November 2021 the children and staff wore their brightest t-shirt in...
Green Fingers
Mrs Martin and the children went in to the outside classroom area and did some gardening. The children dug and planted bulbs. They had great fun. Well done Kingfishers.
Clay Pebbles
The year one children continued being artists this week, focusing on 3D art. The children used different coloured clays to decorate 3D forms. They manipulated clay to produce balls and coils. Great work Kingfishers. [gallery...
Poppy Appeal
Thank you all so much for your generosity towards the 2021 Poppy Appeal. Your contributions raised £169.40 for this worthy charity.
Exploring Puppets
This half term in D.T the children in Woodpeckers class are learning about puppets! Last week they learned about the different types of puppet and what they are made from. This week they made their own finger puppets from paper and craft materials. The children really...
Firework Fun
The children have been very busy creating fireworks. The children chose the colours they wanted and dripped the paint on to the circle tapping it on the side of the spinner. When they had selected the colours they put the lid on top and spun the spinner. When they...
Cross Country
On a very warm, but windy day in late October, 8 children represented the school in a cross country festival at the Royal Hospital School. Everyone did their best and our top girl came in 33rd! Well done to everyone!
Badminton Festival
On Wednesday 20th October, several from Woodpeckers and Owls took part in the Badminton Festival. They had a great time taking part in all the different activities and thank you to our Year 6 leaders for helping them on the day. [gallery...