News About Our School

Brightness Day

Brightness Day

The children put on their brightest clothes for Brightness Day. The children donated £1 for the Brake road safety charity. Thank you very much for your donations, we raised £75. In the assembly the JRSOs awarded certificates and prizes to the brightest dressed child...

Crossroads @ ABC Pre School

Crossroads @ ABC Pre School

The JRSOs visited ABC Pre School to teach the children how to cross the road safely. The JRSOs demonstrated to the children how to do it correctly and supported the children to walk across the road. The children really enjoyed having the JRSOs visit them. Well done...

The Green Cross Code

The Green Cross Code

The JRSOs taught the reception children how to cross the road correctly using the 'Crossroads' equipment. The children listened carefully to what the JRSOs were saying and followed their instructions. The children really enjoyed the session and were able to cross the...

Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week

Today we had a visit from PCSO Denise Ford. She worked with the JRSOs looking at the parking outside the school gates this morning. The JRSOs issued tickets to cars which commented on how well they were parked. The JRSOs were pleased to report all cars got a happy...

Cross Roads

Cross Roads

  The JRSOs welcomed Mr Andrews into school today. Mr Andrews showed the JRSOs how to use the 'Cross Roads' equipment. The 'Cross Roads' equipment includes a road and zebra crossing and is used to teach children how to cross the road safely. The JRSOs are fully...

Speed Watch

Speed Watch

The JRSOs joined the Community Speed Check Team on Friday. The JRSOs were given the opportunity to hold the speed camera and were able to see how fast the vehicles were travelling. The JRSOs learnt that the aim of the speed checks were to encourage drivers to do the...

Autumn Leaves

Autumn Leaves

This week at Craft Club the children created 'Autumn Leaves'. They coloured leaf shapes in using Autumn colours and used wool to wrap round the leaves. The children had lots of fun and were very good at helping each other.   [gallery...

Fabulous Fireworks

Fabulous Fireworks

Saturday evening saw the 4th annual firework event at the school.  The grounds were  busy with people enjoying burgers, hog roast, mulled wine and other delicious items before watching the spectacular firework display and lighting of the bonfire.  All the many months...

Football Fun

Football Fun

Mr Bassett and Mrs Bilner took some of our Year 2 boys to a football competition held at Inspire in Ipswich. The 5 a side tournament was attended by approximately 20 other primary schools.  The boys played 10 matches; won one, lost one and drew six.  They played...

Craft Club

Craft Club

On Thursday after school some of the Year One and Year Two children joined Miss Jones for a craft club. This week they focused on fireworks; the children enjoyed making Catherine Wheels. They used paint and glitter to decorate red paper plates and attached them to a...

Fantastic Fireworks

Fantastic Fireworks

The children in Kingfishers Class have been learning about Fireworks this week. The Year One children have really enjoyed learning about The Gunpowder Plot in History and the Reception children have been using their creative skills  to produce lovely firework pictures...

VolleyBall Enrichment

VolleyBall Enrichment

On Tuesday, Mr Leroux taught the children some skills, rules and tactics associated with volleyball.  They learnt new vocabulary such as 'dig', 'set, 'serve', 'smash' and block. They used balloons to practise passing and catching in small groups before playing some...

Bikeability Success

Bikeability Success

On Monday and Tuesday, 12 of our Year 5 children took part in Bikeability training sessions. They learnt (amongst other things) how to check their own bikes to ensure they were road-worthy, how to start and stop safely as well as perform some manoeuvres on the road....

Woodbridge School Poetry Event

Woodbridge School Poetry Event

As a result of poetry work they had submitted to a competition last year, the Year 4 and 5 children were invited to attend an interactive poetry reading at Woodbridge School. We listened to two published poets, John and Emily, reading work that they and others had...

Poetry Success

Poetry Success

Several poems from Key Stage 2 were submitted to the Suffolk Young Poets Competition. One of our Year 5's was successful in being commended for her poem and attended an awards ceremony and workshop. Well done!  

Table Tennis

Table Tennis

8 children from the Swans class recently took part in a table tennis tournament.  The 4 boys and 4 girls, competed against other schools at St. Joseph's College in Ipswich.  Everyone played really well with the girls making the semi-finals. Well done to all involved....

Swans Visit the Coast

Swans Visit the Coast

As part of their geography topic on Coasts, Swans class visited Walton on the Naze. They had a visit to the Naze tower where Michelle our tour guide explained how the building was originally a lighthouse and an important building during World War 2. She explained...

Right Angle Hunting!

Right Angle Hunting!

Woodpeckers class have been learning about 'shape'.  They made right angle testers to help them find right angles in 2D shapes. They went on a right angle hunt around the school and had lots of discussion about right angles. Well done Woodpeckers!  You were great...

Owls’ Deforestation Experiment

Owls’ Deforestation Experiment

This half term, the Owls are doing a Science topic on Scientists and Inventors. The first person we looked at was Gerald Durrell and his conservation work in Madagascar. We did an experiment to show why deforestation was having such a devastating effect on Madagascar....

Cinderella & Rockerfella

Cinderella & Rockerfella

On Thursday 20th July, children from Swans class performed Cinderella & Rockerfella to packed audiences. An amazing amount of talent was seen; fantastic acting, singing and dancing from all children. Some of the children sang solos and displayed a great amount of...

Year 4 Science Day

Year 4 Science Day

On Wednesday 12th July, all the Year 4s, along with those from other schools in our pyramid, attended a special, rocket-themed Science day at East Bergholt High School. Over the day, the children learnt how to build and launch their own water rockets. I'm proud to say...

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