Miss Jones
Today the children and staff celebrated World Book Day by coming to school dressed as their favourite book character. The day started with a parade in the playground, looking at the different costumes and characters. The children then took part in different activities in their house groups. Miss Jones provided an activity based on Maths […]
The children in Year Two enjoyed their first SATs club session looking at 2d and 3d shapes and grammar. The children enjoyed playing games using their subject knowledge and working together.
On Wednesday the children and staff celebrated World Maths Day. The children had lots of fun using their mathematical knowledge to problem solve and investigate. Kingfisher Class had lots of Maths challenges which involved counting, patterns and shapes. Woodpeckers and Owls Class took part in a Murder Mystery afternoon solving problems and finding clues. Swans class […]
The JRSO’s carried out a road safety check. They wanted to see if children and parents were travelling to school safely. They looked for parents parking correctly, children walking and crossing the road correctly, children riding their scooters or bicycles safely and wearing a cycle helmet. The JRSO’s were pleased with what they saw but have […]
This week Kingfisher Class have been very busy. On Monday they received a letter from Spencer Bear’s Mum asking them to organise a birthday party for Spencer Bear. The children created invitations, sorted items for party bags, wrote their own recipes for a birthday cake, made birthday cards, wrote a list of items needed for the […]
The JRSO’s joined the Community Speed Awareness Team for a speed check outside the Black Horse Public House. The JRSO’s watched how the camera was used and were told what information was needed like the car registration number and make of car. The JRSO’s watched the cars and noted down any information they could, they had […]
Mrs Simmons brought the children from Abc Pre School to visit Kingfisher Class. These children will be starting school in September 2016. These sessions give the children the opportunity to become familiar with the school environment and get to meet their teacher. The children will visit every Monday afternoon for the rest of the school year. The children had lots […]
The children in Kingfisher class enjoyed making pancakes. They all helped to weigh and measure the ingredients, sieved the flour, cracked the eggs and mixed the ingredients together with the whisk. The children then watched Mrs Jones cook the pancakes. Mrs Jones was able to toss the pancake without dropping it! The children had lemon and […]
Children in Kingfisher Class got to go on their second session of Forest Schools but this time it was very windy but not cold. The children remembered the Forest Schools rules and followed them. The children worked in groups to make dens and even had their snack in their dens. The children explored the forest, finding […]
Today, Kingfishers class shared their work with the school and parents. This included some beautiful weather related paintings, some weather diaries, non-fiction writing and some amazing maths. As a finale, they performed a lovely rendition of ‘There’s a Tiny Caterpillar’! It was lovely to see so many parents, grandparents and friends there too!
The children in Kingfisher Class have been recording the weather in their weather diaries this week. They have seen lots of different types of weather including rain, ice, frost, wind and clouds. The children have had the opportunity to observe the weather and record what they saw and heard. They have independently used picture dictionaries and their […]
Children from Key Stage Two have been enjoying the Art club being offered by Miss Jones and Mrs Kite. The children have developed their drawing techniques using wax crayons. They have created wax resist fish and water scenes using tissue paper.