
Tricky Sculptures

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Art & Design, News, Woodpeckers

Recently in DT,  the Woodpeckers have been learning about the work of Jill Townsley. They looked at the different sculptures she made using everyday materials and had a go at using the same materials to build their own. They learnt how Jill Townsley used the same items repetitively to create different installations.The children had to […]

Day Three Early Years Garden

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Community, Facilities, Kingfishers

The children enjoyed watching the workmen fix the new equipment together and found out they would have in the garden. The children are very excited to try out the new equipment. Thank you to all involved. We look forward to updating you with how we are using our new equipment very soon.

Day Two Early Years Garden

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Community, Facilities, Kingfishers

The children have been very interested to see how the garden has been developing on day two. The artificial grass has been laid and the equipment has arrived. The children enjoyed watching the men at work again and have asked lots of questions.

Day One Early Years Garden

by | 1 Jan 2019 | Community, Facilities, Kingfishers

Work has began on the Early Years garden. We were very lucky to receive a grant for the work to take place. Pentagon Play are installing the new play surface and equipment. The Reception children are enjoying watching the men at work and have been asking them lots of questions. We are looking forward to […]

Woodpecker Class Assembly

by | 12 Dec 2018 | Achievements, News, Woodpeckers

Last week, it was the turn of The Woodpeckers to share their learning from the term. They shared facts about L.S Lowry from their learning in Art and showed off their Lowry cityscapes. The children read parts from their Rainforest Fact Files and sang a rainforest song.  Some children showed their dance routine that they […]

Perfect Poetry Pair Work

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Curriculum, English, Owls

This week, the Owls have been writing free verse poetry based on Kit Wright’s ‘The Magic Box’. Today, the children worked in pairs to edit and improve their poems. They had to work together to make changes to both poems to make them more effective. The children worked fantastically in their pairs and were able […]

Pen Pals

by | 11 Nov 2018 | English, Kingfishers, School Events

This week the children were very excited as they were writing a reply letter to their Pen Pals. The reception children worked with Miss Jones. She read the children their letter from their Pen Pal and they wrote a reply to the letter with adult support. They answered their Pen Pals questions and thought of  […]

Hibernating Hedgehogs

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Art & Design, Design Technology, Environment, Kingfishers

The children were excited to find out what they would be doing during their ‘Forest Fun’ session. The children sat engaged while Miss Jones made salt dough, they were able to name the ingredients Miss Jones was using. The children sat and listened to a story called ‘The Very Helpful Hedgehog’. Miss Jones and the children […]

U9 Dodgeball Festival

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Owls, PE

On Thursday 15th November, six children from the Owls class participated in an U9 Dodgeball Festival held at Inspire Suffolk in Ipswich. The children had a great time, with some excellent catching, dodging and throwing skills. We played 8 very competitive matches, winning twice. Well done Owls! Next week it is the Swans’ turn! Results: […]

Germs & Waterproof Materials

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Woodpeckers

This half term in Science, the children have been learning about different scientific inventors. Last week, the children learnt about Louie Pasteur and the discovery of germs. They did an experiment with glitter to see how easily germs are spread and the importance of washing hands. Then, this week the children learnt about Charles Macintosh […]

Tremendous Tag

by | 11 Nov 2018 | PE, Swans

Our Year 5 & 6 children recently took part in a Tag Rugby Festival at St Joseph’s College, Ipswich. The children competed well, show strength, encouragement and determination.  We won 1 game, drew 2 and lost 3. We done everyone!

Robotics @ BT

by | 11 Nov 2018 | Computing, News, Swans, Visits

On Friday 10th November, the Year 5 children went to BT @ Adastral Park to take part in a Crumble Bot session. The children were tasked with creating a program that would enable the Crumble Bot Car to flash different coloured lights; to make it stop when it came across a black line and to […]