News About Our School
Easter Greetings
The children have been very busy colouring in Easter pictures to go on an Easter Card for the older residents in the village and colouring in bunting for BlackBrook residential home. The cards will be delivered to the residents in the village and the bunting and card...
African Art
The Swans have been learning how Picasso was influenced by African art
Modeshift Stars Bronze Award
In September 2022 we were presented with our Modeshift Stars Education, Bronze Award, Good Travel Plan 2022. The scheme recognises schools, businesses and other organisations that have shown excellence in supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable and...
Digital Imagery
The children in Year one have been learning about Digital Imagery in Computing. The children were asked to create their own photo story. The children planned their story and set up their scenes referring to their planning sheet. When they were happy with the scene...
Inherited Characteristics
The Swans have been learning about inherited characteristics. They thought about what the children of different Mr Men and Little Miss characters would look like if they were to produce offspring. They had so much fun! [gallery...
Disco Fun
On Friday 25th March the PTA kindly arranged a disco for the school children. Lots of fun was had by all and there were some great dance moves performed! Thank you to all those who helped organise and supervise the event and made it such a success. [gallery...
Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel 2023
The children were asked to take part in the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel 2023 the UK’s largest inter-school cycling, walking, wheeling and scooting challenge. The challenge ran from 20-31 March. The children were encouraged to walk, use a wheelchair, scoot or cycle to...
Cloud Forest Terrariums
The children in Kingfishers Class became Geographers. The children continued focusing on What is life like in the Jungle? Today the children thought about the question - Can we identify the locations and features of cloud forests? Today the children found out about a...
Seed Packets – Instructions
In English this half term, the children have been focusing on instructions, thinking about how to plant a seed. The children were introduced to imperative (or bossy) verbs and that instructions should be short, clear and in the correct order. The children composed...
Planting Potatoes
The children enjoyed planting the seed potatoes. The children helped to fill the planters. They planted two different varieties of potatoes - Casablanca and Shannon. They talked about how the potatoes grow underground in the dark and if we see a shoot we have to cover...
RE – Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden?
The children in Reception have been learning about Christianity. The children thought about the question - Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden? Mrs Clark read the story The Three Billy Goats Gruff and the children discussed the need for the goats to...
Kingfishers Assembly – Plants
The children in Kingfishers Class performed their second assembly of the school year. The children were confident to stand up and perform to the audience. The children told the audience about plants and sang ‘Growing Plants’ and ‘I’m a Little Bean’. A great assembly...
Woodpecker Class Assembly
On Tuesday 14th March, it was the turn of the Woodpeckers to share their learning with the rest of the school and parents, The children sang about the basic needs of animals including humans (water, air, shelter and food) to show off their Science learning. Next, they...
The Class Spider Sculpture
The children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question - Can we plan and create a sculpture as a class? The children were introduced to the artist Louise Bourgeois and the Maman sculpture made from bronze. The children were asked to give adjectives to describe...
Prayer and Worship
The children have been learning about Christianity - Prayer and Worship. The children thought about the question - Why do Christians pray to God and worship him? They listened to the story of Jesus teaching his disciples to pray and learned the Lords Prayer,...
Stop Motion Animation
The Swans have been using the 'Stop Motion Animation' app to create their first short animation. They learnt about onion skinning; the importance of keeping the camera still and the need for very small changes in their model. It was such fun! [gallery...
Flower Sculpture
Thie children in Kingfishers Class became ‘artists’ and thought about the question - Can we make a 3D sculpture? The children recapped over the artist Andy Goldsworthy and his work. The children were asked to create a 3D sculpture made from natural materials like Andy...
Periscope Making
In science, the Swans made periscopes to see how they can be used to help us see things that are out of sight.
World Book Day Potatoes
On Thursday 2nd March, it was World Book Day. This year, instead of the children dressing up - they dressed a potato as their favourite book character. The children were involved in reading activities throughout the day and there was the opportunity to share their...
Great Biscuit Bake Off
In the Owls class last week, for our DT project, we held a Great Biscuit Bake Off. First the children learnt to follow a basic biscuit recipe, practising skills such as creaming and sieving. The next day, we all tried adding our own extra ingredients to the basic...
100 Days of School Celebration
Kingfishers Class had great fun celebrating 100 days at school! To celebrate our 100 days of school, Mandy the school cook baked us a lovely cake! Thank you Mandy, it was delicious! The children had lots of challenges to complete in 100 seconds - Writing their name,...
Snail Patterns
The Year One children became ‘artists’ and thought about the question - Can we create a pattern from clay? The children watched a presentation about insects, spiders and snails. The children discussed how many legs each creature had. They discussed the snail had one...
Bean Planting
This half term, the children in Kingfishers Class will be focusing on Plants in Science - Do all plants look the same? The children thought about the question - Can we find out what a plant is? The children thought about how they could answer their enquiry question....
Games Club
We had lots of fun at games club! The children worked as a team developing their communication skills, turn taking skills and listening skills. Great teamwork everyone!