Curriculum News

Forest Fun

Forest Fun

During forest Fun, the children completed a Scavenger Hunt. They searched for insects and different types of wildlife. When they had found them, they ticked them off and did 10 star jumps! The children also went pond dipping. They had a tick list to see what insects...

Measuring Capacity

Measuring Capacity

  The children in Woodpecker Class have been trying hard to read the measurements on different types of scale. They have looked at weight, length, height, temperature and liquid capacity using a range of different measures. Today they worked outside to measure...

Church Visit

Church Visit

As part of their topic,  Kingfishers Class went for a walk to the church to find out about different things in the village. The children were  able to follow instructions carefully and were very well behaved as they walked to the church. Reverend Rosalind met them at...

Forest Fun

Forest Fun

On Tuesday afternoon the Kingfishers Class participated in Forest Fun session. They had a look by the pond to see if they could see the frogs but could not spot any today. They then looked in the place that they saw them last week but again, could not see them. They...

Handball Tournament

Handball Tournament

On Tuesday 1st May, some of the Owls children took part in a Handball tournament at Inspire, Ipswich.  They played really well; won 2 games, drew 1 game and lost 1 game. Well done everyone!  

Clay Flower Sculptures

Clay Flower Sculptures

This term the children in Woodpeckers class have been learning about sculptures in Art. They used clay to sculpt flowers and used different techniques and tools to add details. They are going to paint them next week. Well done Woodpeckers!   [gallery...

Cross Country Festival

Cross Country Festival

On Wednesday 25th April, 12 children from the Owls class went to a cross country festival at East Bergholt High School. For the first part of the morning, the children were split into groups and rotated around four different stations. At each one, they took part in...



The children in Kingfishers Class were very excited as Miss Jones had entered them in to a competition to grow the tallest sunflower. The competition is being run by Fillpots Garden Centre. The children got busy planting the seeds. The children will be caring for the...

Our Country

Our Country

This week during their Geography lessons, the Year One children have been learning about the country they live in . They have found out the different features in a town setting and a countryside setting. They created their own town or countryside using resources...

Futsal Fun

Futsal Fun

On Thursday 19th April, some of the Swans class were involved in a Futsal tournament at Inspire, Suffolk. The children played several matches against other schools, scored some goals, conceded some goals, but all had a good time! Well done children.

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt

The children in Kingfishers Class went on an Easter egg hunt. The children were put into four groups. They were given a map and worked together to plan their route. The children went outside and hunted for eggs. The children had to find the different places on the map...

Baking Buns

Baking Buns

During Cookery Club this week the children baked buns. The children cracked the eggs and mixed the ingredients together. The children watched the buns cook in the cupcake machines. The children enjoyed decorating their buns using icing and sprinkles. Well done chefs,...

Amazing Gymnasts

Amazing Gymnasts

On Friday 23rd March, an Under 7's team, an Under 9's team and two Under 11's teams performed at Westbourne High School. Each team competed against other Suffolk Schools and performed a gymnastics routine to music; there was also some 'body management' work.  Mrs...

Traditional Tales

Traditional Tales

On Friday the children in Kingfishers Class presented their class assembly. The children talked about and showed work linked to their topic called Once Upon A Time. The children read stories, showed story maps, interviewed the Fox and shared the speech bubbles they...

Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring

The Kingfishers children have been looking at signs of Spring in their Science lessons this week. The children have been thinking about the clothes they wear in Spring and what the weather is like. Everyday this week the children have visited the weather station to...

Toothbrushes and Toothpaste

Toothbrushes and Toothpaste

The children welcomed Mrs Fisher in to their class today. Mrs Fisher told the children she was going to talk to them about their teeth. She reminded them they should clean them at least twice a day to brush away food and bugs (bacteria). She also reminded them to not...

Year 6 @ BT

Year 6 @ BT

On Friday 16th March, the Swans class visited Adastral Park, Martlesham, where BT were celebrating British Science Week. The children were taken on a tour around the showcase area and were introduced to the latest innovations and technologies from around the world...

Book Fair Competition

Book Fair Competition

The children were encouraged to take part in a Book Fair Competition organised by Miss Jones. They were asked to get an adult to take a photograph of them reading a book in an ‘unusual’ place. There were lots of entries showing children reading books everywhere. Mrs...

Mini Muffin Pizzas

Mini Muffin Pizzas

During Cookery Club this week the children enjoyed making mini muffin pizzas. They were able to spread the tomato puree with a knife, grate the cheese and safely cut the ham, olives, pineapple and pepperoni. The children were able to follow instructions carefully and...

Exploring Turns

Exploring Turns

This week, in Maths, Year Three have been investigating turns. We practised quarter, half, three-quarter and full turns. Some of the key vocabulary we practised included: right angle, degrees, clockwise and anti-clockwise. To put our learning into practice, we...

Moving Pictures

Moving Pictures

This week the children have enjoyed creating 'Moving Pictures' in DT. The children made a moving picture for The Gingerbread Man using a slider. The children enjoyed showing each other how they worked and were able to use story language while using their moving...

World Book Day

World Book Day

The children and staff finally got to celebrate World Book Day on Friday. The children and staff dressed up as their favourite book character and donated £1 to the Motor Neurone Disease Charity. The children took part in different activities during the day linked to...

Dodgeballing Woodpeckers!

Dodgeballing Woodpeckers!

For the last half term, Woodpeckers class have been busy learning the rules and tactics of Dodgeball and on Thursday 8th March, some of the children took part in a Dodgeball Festival. Mr Bassett and Mrs Clark accompanied the children to Inspire, Ipswich where they...

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