

by | 7 Jul 2017 | Art & Design, Extracurricular, Owls, Science, Trips

On Friday 14th July, the Owls class visited the Latitude Festival. For the first part of the day we explored the Kids’ Area, where we took part in art and craft activities, painted our faces, handled snakes and had our faces painted. We then split into two groups. Mr Wheals’ group took part in a Science […]

Robots, Potatoes, Space and Father’s Day

by | 7 Jul 2017 | English, Kingfishers

On Friday the Kingfishers performed their last assembly of the school year. The children were confident to stand up, talk and sing to the audience. The children proudly showed their work and talked about what they had learnt. The children talked about their non fiction books about robots. They told the audience how they grew potatoes. […]

Happy Reading

by | 7 Jul 2017 | English, Fundraising

Many thanks for supporting our Book Fair.  We raised £271.10  which gives us £68.44 to spend on free books for our school.  We hope the children are enjoying their new books.

Rocket and Aliens

by | 7 Jul 2017 | English, Kingfishers

The children in Kingfishers class were very excited to find a rocket in their garden. They secured the area with tape and looked carefully at the evidence around the rocket. The children wrote about what they could see and kept an eye on the rocket for the rest of the day just in case the aliens […]

Arts Week – Day 5 & Exhibition

by | 6 Jun 2017 | Art & Design

Today was a day of finishing off our art work and preparing for the exhibition. There are now several boards in the school hall, all adorned with art work, pictures, photographs and children’s writing. The school hall will be open tomorrow between 10.30am & 4.00pm tomorrow  so visitors can come and see the art work […]

Arts Week – Day 4

by | 6 Jun 2017 | Art & Design

Today Kingfishers and Woodpeckers joined together again to produce the foreground and background for their final group piece. They used sponges and paintbrushes to print and dab sky and bush patterns using different colours. This afternoon they have looked at a variety of paintings by Gainsborough and answered questions as a group by thinking about the context […]

Arts Week Day 3

by | 6 Jun 2017 | Art & Design

Today the Owls class started creating their own versions of Constable’s ‘The Haywain’ ready for the exhibition at the end of the week. The children had to select the medium of their choice, from sketching pencils, oil pencils, watercolour paint and collage, to recreate the picture. Swans class looked at a number of paintings by […]

Christchurch Mansion

by | 6 Jun 2017 | Art & Design, Kingfishers, Woodpeckers

Today the children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class visited Christchurch Mansion. The workshops and activities were based around one of Constable’s paintings, ‘The Mill Stream’. The children used their imagination and creative skills to interpret the painting in different ways within their activities. There was a music and movement workshop where the children used instruments […]

Kwik Cricket

by | 6 Jun 2017 | PE

On Tuesday 20th June, a selection of Swans took part in the Kwik Cricket tournament at Chantry Park. It was a very warm afternoon, but all the children played well as a team; there was some fantastic batting, some amazing fielding and great fun had by all. Well done children!

Arts Week – Day 2

by | 6 Jun 2017 | Art & Design

The Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class joined together again to create seasonal trees. The children worked in groups to create a tree. They mixed the paints to make different colours. They painted leaves using their fingerprints. They used this technique to finish their individual tree. The Owls practised mark making using different media. The four media […]

Quadkids Fun

by | 6 Jun 2017 | PE

On Wednesday 14th June, 10 Swans took part in a Quadkids competition at Northgate High School. They joined approximately 60 other schools and 600 competitors competing in a variety of events : 75 m sprint, standing long jump, vortex throw and 600m run.  There was an opening and closing ceremony; our allocated country was Iceland. […]