Curriculum News
Woodbridge School Poetry Event
As a result of poetry work they had submitted to a competition last year, the Year 4 and 5 children were invited to attend an interactive poetry reading at Woodbridge School. We listened to two published poets, John and Emily, reading work that they and others had...
Poetry Success
Several poems from Key Stage 2 were submitted to the Suffolk Young Poets Competition. One of our Year 5's was successful in being commended for her poem and attended an awards ceremony and workshop. Well done!
Table Tennis
8 children from the Swans class recently took part in a table tennis tournament. The 4 boys and 4 girls, competed against other schools at St. Joseph's College in Ipswich. Everyone played really well with the girls making the semi-finals. Well done to all involved....
Swans Visit the Coast
As part of their geography topic on Coasts, Swans class visited Walton on the Naze. They had a visit to the Naze tower where Michelle our tour guide explained how the building was originally a lighthouse and an important building during World War 2. She explained...
Right Angle Hunting!
Woodpeckers class have been learning about 'shape'. They made right angle testers to help them find right angles in 2D shapes. They went on a right angle hunt around the school and had lots of discussion about right angles. Well done Woodpeckers! You were great...
Owls’ Deforestation Experiment
This half term, the Owls are doing a Science topic on Scientists and Inventors. The first person we looked at was Gerald Durrell and his conservation work in Madagascar. We did an experiment to show why deforestation was having such a devastating effect on Madagascar....
Year 4 Science Day
On Wednesday 12th July, all the Year 4s, along with those from other schools in our pyramid, attended a special, rocket-themed Science day at East Bergholt High School. Over the day, the children learnt how to build and launch their own water rockets. I'm proud to say...
On Friday 14th July, the Owls class visited the Latitude Festival. For the first part of the day we explored the Kids' Area, where we took part in art and craft activities, painted our faces, handled snakes and had our faces painted. We then split into two groups. Mr...
Robots, Potatoes, Space and Father’s Day
On Friday the Kingfishers performed their last assembly of the school year. The children were confident to stand up, talk and sing to the audience. The children proudly showed their work and talked about what they had learnt. The children talked about their non...
Happy Reading
Many thanks for supporting our Book Fair. We raised £271.10 which gives us £68.44 to spend on free books for our school. We hope the children are enjoying their new books.
Sports Day 2017 – Gallery
Rocket and Aliens
The children in Kingfishers class were very excited to find a rocket in their garden. They secured the area with tape and looked carefully at the evidence around the rocket. The children wrote about what they could see and kept an eye on the rocket for the rest of the...
Arts Week – Day 5 & Exhibition
Today was a day of finishing off our art work and preparing for the exhibition. There are now several boards in the school hall, all adorned with art work, pictures, photographs and children's writing. The school hall will be open tomorrow between 10.30am & 4.00pm...
Arts Week – Day 4
Today Kingfishers and Woodpeckers joined together again to produce the foreground and background for their final group piece. They used sponges and paintbrushes to print and dab sky and bush patterns using different colours. This afternoon they have looked at a...
Arts Week Day 3
Today the Owls class started creating their own versions of Constable's 'The Haywain' ready for the exhibition at the end of the week. The children had to select the medium of their choice, from sketching pencils, oil pencils, watercolour paint and collage, to...
Christchurch Mansion
Today the children in Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class visited Christchurch Mansion. The workshops and activities were based around one of Constable's paintings, 'The Mill Stream'. The children used their imagination and creative skills to interpret the painting in...
Kwik Cricket
On Tuesday 20th June, a selection of Swans took part in the Kwik Cricket tournament at Chantry Park. It was a very warm afternoon, but all the children played well as a team; there was some fantastic batting, some amazing fielding and great fun had by all. Well done...
Arts Week – Day 2
The Kingfishers and Woodpeckers class joined together again to create seasonal trees. The children worked in groups to create a tree. They mixed the paints to make different colours. They painted leaves using their fingerprints. They used this technique to finish...
Quadkids Fun
On Wednesday 14th June, 10 Swans took part in a Quadkids competition at Northgate High School. They joined approximately 60 other schools and 600 competitors competing in a variety of events : 75 m sprint, standing long jump, vortex throw and 600m run. There was an...
High 5 Netball
Tuesday 23rd May saw some of our Swans children taking part in a High 5 Netball competition at Ipswich High School's Eaton Place. High 5 Netball involves children changing position after each half, so everyone gets a chance at playing in a different position. We came...
Around The World Assembly
The Kingfishers Class took to the stage for their class assembly. The children were confident to stand up, talk and sing to the audience. The children proudly showed their work and talked about what they had learnt. The children talked about their Maths, counting back...
Gymnastic Fun
Friday 19th May saw some of our children taking part in a gymnastics festival at Westbourne Academy. In the morning, it was the turn of our Woodpeckers children to show their routines and jumping and landing skills using the springboard. In the afternoon, it was the...
Woodpeckers Class Assembly
Friday the 12th of May was the Woodpeckers assembly where they shared their work from the last half term. They shared writing, demonstrated some Maths and showed of their French knowledge by singing a song in French! Well done Woodpeckers! [gallery...
Handball Festival
Five children from the Owls class took part in a recent handball tournament. They played lots of games against other Ipswich schools. There was some brilliant shooting, defending, goal-keeping and team play. Well done Owls!