Curriculum News
The children were very excited about digging up the potatoes and seeing how many they got. The children dug through the soil with their hands collecting the potatoes. The children had to look carefully to make sure they hadn’t left any. With support the children were...
Archaeology Club
This half term, Mrs Marshall is running a lunchtime Archaeology club for children in Owls and Swans classes. Over the last two weeks, the children had to work together to chip dinosaur bones out of rock. It was very difficult, and took them a long time. Once all the...
Stratford’s Sports Update
May was a great month at Stratford St Mary School for Sport and PE. In the two sporting competitions, U11 Swimming and U11 Netball, we achieved 6th place in both events, with 12 teams competing altogether in the Swimming and 16 teams in the Netball. A huge well done...
This week the children in Kingfisher Class have been learning about Elmer and getting ready to celebrate his birthday on Friday 24th May. They have learnt about elephants and written a fact file and labelled the different parts of an elephant. They have made their own...
Owls Shared Learning Session
On Thursday 16th May, many of the parents of Owls class came in for a shared learning session. In Science, the children have been working on the topic of Sound and had been looking at high and low sounds and how they are made. With the help of their parents, the...
Kingfishers Class Phonics Shared Learning Session
The children took part in their shared learning session today. The children welcomed their family members into school. The children played phonics games with their family members. The children demonstrated how they sounded out words to read them. Thank you for coming...
Making Smoothies
This half term, the Owls have a DT topic of Edible Garden. We have been learning about where certain types of food come from, how they are grown, why they are good for us and how to cook with them. Most recently, we have been learning all about strawberries. On...
Fun Fractions
This week the Year One children have been learning about fractions. The children became builders at the Primary Building Company. They were challenged to find half of a quantity. They had to weigh cubes (bricks), measure the wool (wood) and measure the water (for the...
Sorting Shapes with Swans
In Maths, Year 5 have been looking at properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We sorted lots of different regular and irregular shapes by their properties, such as number of sides, faces, angles and many more! The children had to decide on the categories for their Venn...
Awesome Angles!
Recently, we have been learning all about angles! The Swans had to find, measure and describe all of the acute, obtuse and reflex angles that were on their table. The children also completed the challenge of finding alternate, corresponding and vertically opposite...
Sunflower Competition
Miss Jones entered Kingfishers Class to take part in Fillpots Schools Sunflower Competition. The children were told they were competing to grow the tallest sunflower. The children helped Miss Walker to plant the seeds. Miss Walker read the children the list of things...
Root Vegetable Salad
Miss Jones and the children talked about healthy and unhealthy foods and why they need to eat a variety of food. The children were encouraged to taste three different root vegetable salads (coleslaw, potato salad and beetroot salad) and think about why they liked it....
Fabulous Fruit Salad
The children enjoyed creating their own fruit salad. The children were able to select the fruit they liked and used their cutting skills to cut the fruit into pieces. The children also added orange juice. The children all tasted their fruit salad and really enjoyed...
Pesto Making
This term, Owls class are working on an Edible Garden project for DT. They have already learnt about different kinds of herbs and have planted some. This week, we took one of the herbs, basil, and had a go at using it to make pesto. The children practised their...
Cross Country at RHS
Recently, 24 children from Owls and Swans braved the rain to compete at a Cross-Country event held at the Royal Hospital School in Holbrook. The year 4 children's course was 1,500m, whereas the Year 5 and 6 children's course was 2,200m long. The children were nervous...
Marvellous Maasai Tribal Necklaces.
The Woodpeckers have continued their learning about Kenya by learning about The Maasai Tribe. The children learnt lots of facts by looking at different photographs and artefacts about the Maasai Tribe. This is a tribe of people living in the planes of Kenya. They...
Goodbye Elmer
On Monday 25th March, we said goodbye to our finished Elmer as he was returned to the Elmer team ready for photographs to be taken for the trail. We have all enjoyed taking part in the decoration of Elmer and are very pleased with how our Elmer looks. We would like to...
Converting Measures
On Thursday, the Swans class were learning how to convert from miles to kilometres in Maths. We worked out that we needed to divide the miles by 5 and multiply by 8 to work out the equivalent kilometres. The children were set the task of working out the distance in...
Battery Operated Lights
This half term, the Owls have been looking at electricity. The children learnt how to wire up electrical circuits that work, and investigated making different kinds of switches. The completed some DT work, designing and making a battery operated light for a particular...
Sorting 2D Shapes
This week, the Woodpeckers have been learning about the properties of 2D shapes. The children had to sort their shapes based on different criteria using Venn diagrams and Caroll diagrams as well as making different 2D shapes on Geoboards, by thinking carefully about...
Special Delivery
Kingfishers received a very special delivery at the beginning of March. It said ‘Urgent! Open immediately!’ The children were intrigued to find out what was inside. Miss Jones opened the box and showed the children two pots. Miss Jones told the children that we will...
U11 Quicksticks
On Monday 18th March, six KS2 children made the trip to St Joseph's College to take part in an U11 Mixed Quicksticks Hockey Competition. We played against 4 other schools, winning once. There was some great determination, skill and sportsmanship on show from our...
Spelling Bee Success
On the 13th of March, 5 brave Swans ventured out to East Bergholt High School to compete in the Spelling Bee. The children had to compete against 9 other schools to spell a selection of words to score points. Our team was joined by a former Swan. The children were...
British Science Week 2019
On Monday 11th March, all of our Year 6's made the journey to Martlesham to spend the morning at BT Adastral Park for the annual British Science Week. The children spent half the morning looking at ten different showcases demonstrating the latest technology in retail,...