News About Our School

Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week

The children, parents and staff enjoyed participating in Road Safety Week which took place during the week Monday 18th - Friday 22nd November 2019. The JRSOs asked the children to 'Walk to School' and staff provided walking buses allowing parents to drop their...

Tudor House

Tudor House

The children became designers and designed their own Tudor house. The children looked at images of different Tudor houses and thought about what they looked liked and the features they had. The children used the information to design their own Tudor house. They drew a...

A Mysterious Letter

A Mysterious Letter

The Woodpeckers have been comparing objects from the past in their History lessons (whilst learning about The Gun Powder Plot). The children have been comparing how we would send messages to somebody now, and how they would have been delivered in 1605. They learnt...

Anti-Bullying Week 2019. Celebrating Difference.

Anti-Bullying Week 2019. Celebrating Difference.

The theme for Anti-Bullying Week this year is 'Change Starts With Us'. The children have taken part in assemblies across the week and discussed how we can all make small changes to the way we behave towards people we perceive as 'different' in order to celebrate...

U11 Table Tennis Tournament

U11 Table Tennis Tournament

Recently, eight children from Swans class took part in an U11 Table Tennis Tournament, held at St Joseph's College in Ipswich. Our children competed against three other schools containing 'A' and 'B' teams: Morland, Cliff Lane and St Pancras. Each child played at...

Elmer Returns

Elmer Returns

Our Elmer 'Swanning around in Constable Country' has been returned to us after his stay in Christchurch Mansion. Elmer's new home is in the school library. It's great to have Elmer back and for him to be part of our school again.

Museum of East Anglian Life

Museum of East Anglian Life

On Thursday 7th November Kingfisher Class went on their trip to the Museum of East Anglian Life. The children were very excited when they saw they were travelling on a double decker coach. The children took part in their learning session. The children listened...

The Sun Free Books For School

The Sun Free Books For School

The Sun is offering primary schools the chance to claim a set of free Collins Big Cat books worth over £600. We have registered our school to take part and we need your help to claim this great offer. We need to collect 3,500 tokens which will be printed in The Sun...

Library Visits

Library Visits

The librarians welcomed children from Orchard Barns to the school library. The librarians showed the children around and told them how to use the library. The librarians read the children some stories. Orchard Barns will have the opportunity to visit our library...

A Rather Regal Day Out

A Rather Regal Day Out

On Friday 8th November, Swans took a trip out to Framlingham Castle. We couldn't resist a trip to the Castle on the Hill as Queen Mary I resided there in 1553. We had a good look around the castle, and the children were brilliant at looking at the evidence in the...

Firework Spectacular

Firework Spectacular

Saturday 2nd November saw another spectacular firework event held at our school. It was a wet and blowy day for the preparations, however, the wind and rain stopped just in time for everyone to enjoy food, drinks, live music and an amazing firework display. A massive...

Games Club

Games Club

Children from Year One and Two joined Miss Jones for 'Games Club' on Thursday after school. The children learnt how to  play different board games. The children listened carefully to instructions and took turns. Lots of fun and laughter. [gallery...

Brightness Day

Brightness Day

Children and staff participated in 'GloWeek' by dressing up in their brightest clothes on Friday 1st November 2019. The children and staff came to school wearing bright clothes and donated £1 to the Child Brain Injury Trust. We raised over £70 for the charity. The...

The Terrible Tudors begin their Reign…

The Terrible Tudors begin their Reign…

The Terrible Tudors have begun their reign in Swans class this week, and the children have all been excited to get learning about one of the most influential families in British History. On Thursday 31st of October, we re-enacted the Battle of Bosworth- the last of...

Fabulous Fireworks Calligrams!

Fabulous Fireworks Calligrams!

The topic for this half term is 'Fire, Fire'. In Literacy, we have been basing our writing on Fireworks and Bonfire Night and have been learning how to write structured calligrams. A calligram is a poem that uses its design and layout of the letters to create a visual...

Round Britain Quiz

Round Britain Quiz

On Wednesday 9th Octobers, the Owls were joined by their parents and grandparents for a shared learning session. In Geography, the children had been learning about counties and regions, particularly the ones around where we live. Their challenge for the afternoon was...

U11 Football

U11 Football

At the start of October, 13 boys from the Swans class made the trip to Whitton Sports Centre to compete at the U11 Football Competition. Wearing our new football kit for the first time, the boys did their best against 4 other schools: Hadleigh, Shotley, Henley and...

Residential – A Roaring Success

On Monday, 8th July, Mr Bassett, Mrs Bilner & Mrs Edwards took 26 excited Swans on a 5 day long residential trip to PGL, Caythorpe Court, Lincolnshire. Setting off just after 9.15am, we made the drive up the A14 to Hinchingbrooke Country Park in Huntingdon for a...

Rocket Lands

Rocket Lands

On Tuesday 25th June, the children in Kingfishers class were amazed to find a rocket had crashed into the outside reading area. The children had great fun exploring the crime scene and collecting evidence. The children wrote newspaper reports and thought about why the...

Summer Vacation – The Musical!

Summer Vacation – The Musical!

On Thursday 18th July, the Swans class entertained a packed hall by performing their play' We're all going on a Summer Holiday'.  The story line was based on a family trip to the Poplins Holiday Camp.   There was some brilliant acting, singing and fantastic...

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