Swans Class

Key Stage 2 – Year 6

Upper Key Stage 2 starts in Year 5 and finishes when the children leave primary school at the end of Year 6. Emphasis in this class is still placed on a balanced and creative curriculum, but one that also encourages independence and self-organisational skills. By the end of Key Stage 2, the children will have had the opportunity to take part in a number of transition activities (so they feel more prepared for High school), will have had the opportunity to take part in a week-long residential trip and they will have also taken their Key Stage 2 SATs tests.

On This Page

On this page you will find news about our class, an overview of the work we are doing this half-term and links to online learning resources.

Miss Rivers

Swans Class Teacher

Latest News From Swans Class

Afternoon Tea for some Special Visitors

Afternoon Tea for some Special Visitors

The Swans had a lovely time providing a WW2 themed 'afternoon tea' for the elderly members of their community. They had really enjoyed sharing information about life in the village during WW2 and wanted to say 'thank you' for coming into school and sharing their...

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Learning about Hinduism

Learning about Hinduism

The Swans have been learning about the Hindu belief in Atman. The Atman refers to the real person inside an individual. It is made of part of the spirit of Brahman. They Hindus use the saying 'Namaste' to greet each other. This translates as 'The Divine Spirit in me...

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Food Bank Donation

Food Bank Donation

On Thursday 5th October, we held a Harvest Assembly in the school.  Families were incredibly generous and brought in some non-perishable items which were sent onto the Colchester Food Bank. Thank you all so much for the contributions. The Food Bank was incredibly...

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Henry Moore Shelters

Henry Moore Shelters

The Swans have been practising creating contour lines in their art work in the style of Henry Moore. His Shelter drawings show people huddled together in the underground stations. The children got into groups of 3 and were photographed in a huddling position. They...

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Visit to ‘The Shed’

Visit to ‘The Shed’

The children had an amazing evacuee lunch at The Shed in Sproughton. Berty was impressed with all their knowledge about WW2 and they learnt a lot more from the artefacts which he shared - including the air raid siren! [gallery...

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Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers are used within the classroom and can support children in their learning, for example,  remembering new knowledge and vocabulary in a particular subject.  

Spring Term 1 (2023) Knowledge Organisers.

Name Last Modified
15 Jan 2024
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - Design & Technology (Textiles)
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - French (War)
15 Jan 2024
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - Computing (Data Handling)
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - PSHE (Diversity & Community)
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - Art (Still Life)
15 Jan 2024
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - RE (Islam)
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - PE (Basketball)
3 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - PE (Tag Rugby)
3 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - PSHE (My Emotions)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - RE (Christianity)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Music
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - French (a l'ecole)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Computing (Programming)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Computing (Online Safety)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Geography (Migration)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Science (Scientific Study)
2 Nov 2023
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - PSHE (Anti Bullying)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - RE (Hinduism)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - PE (Football)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - PE (Handball)
13 Sep 2023
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - PSHE (Citizenship - Rights, Rules and Responsibilities)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - Design and Technology (Food)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - Art (Artist Study)
13 Sep 2023
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - History ( WW2 - Local Study)
13 Sep 2023
13 Sep 2023
cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - French
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Computing
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Art
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - RSE
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Science
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Design & Technology
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Geography
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - RE
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Music
2 May 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Computing
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Science
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - RE
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - PSHE
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - History
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Art
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - French
21 Apr 2023
21 Apr 2023
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - PE - Dance
1 Mar 2023
1 Mar 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - French
1 Mar 2023
1 Mar 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - RE
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - Geography
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - Science
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - PSHE
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Design and Technology
25 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Music
21 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - PE - Fitness
21 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - PE - OAA
21 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - History
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Art
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - French
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Computing
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - RE
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - PSHE
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Science
17 Jan 2023
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