Swans Class

Key Stage 2 – Year 6

Upper Key Stage 2 starts in Year 5 and finishes when the children leave primary school at the end of Year 6. Emphasis in this class is still placed on a balanced and creative curriculum, but one that also encourages independence and self-organisational skills. By the end of Key Stage 2, the children will have had the opportunity to take part in a number of transition activities (so they feel more prepared for High school), will have had the opportunity to take part in a week-long residential trip and they will have also taken their Key Stage 2 SATs tests.

On This Page

On this page you will find news about our class, an overview of the work we are doing this half-term and links to online learning resources.

Miss Rivers

Swans Class Teacher

Latest News From Swans Class

American Football comes to Stratford!

American Football comes to Stratford!

On Friday, we had a PE Enrichment day.  Mr Ross came in and taught the children different skills, games, tactics and rules of American Football.  Due to the snowy weather, this had to take place in the school hall, however, lots of learning happened and a lot of fun...

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Sinbad and Stratford St Mary

Sinbad and Stratford St Mary

Thursday afternoon saw the school visit the New Wolsey theatre to watch Sinbad the Sailor Rock n Roll Panto.  The children and accompanying adults, listened to the songs and talented musicians and laughed at the jokes. Everyone was very well behaved and we all had a...

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Crafts For West Suffolk Hospital!

Crafts For West Suffolk Hospital!

Over the past couple of weeks, all the children have been set homework to create a Christmas decoration/ picture/ card to give to the patients at West Suffolk Hospital to cheer them up during their stay over the Christmas period. Miss Kluge's Mum is a Ward Sister at...

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Festival of Rugby

Festival of Rugby

On Wednesday 30th November, a group of Year 4 & 5 children took part in a Rugby Festival at East Bergholt High School. The children went into different groups to learn some rugby skills and then played in some matches. Thank you East Bergholt High School for...

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Tag Rugby Festival

Tag Rugby Festival

On Thursday 24th November a team from Swans class took part in a Tag Rugby Festival at Ipswich Rugby club. They did very well on what was a very cold afternoon; winning 3 games out of 5.  

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Football Tournament

Football Tournament

Some of our Swans class  were involved in a recent football tournament. They played 5 matches against other schools; they won one, drew two and lost two.  It was quite a cold and wet afternoon, but all the boys had fun and played really well.

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Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers are used within the classroom and can support children in their learning, for example,  remembering new knowledge and vocabulary in a particular subject.  

Spring Term 1 (2023) Knowledge Organisers.

Name Last Modified
15 Jan 2024
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - Design & Technology (Textiles)
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - French (War)
15 Jan 2024
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - Computing (Data Handling)
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - PSHE (Diversity & Community)
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - Art (Still Life)
15 Jan 2024
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - RE (Islam)
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - PE (Basketball)
3 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - PE (Tag Rugby)
3 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - PSHE (My Emotions)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - RE (Christianity)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Music
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - French (a l'ecole)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Computing (Programming)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Computing (Online Safety)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Geography (Migration)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Science (Scientific Study)
2 Nov 2023
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - PSHE (Anti Bullying)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - RE (Hinduism)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - PE (Football)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - PE (Handball)
13 Sep 2023
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - PSHE (Citizenship - Rights, Rules and Responsibilities)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - Design and Technology (Food)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - Art (Artist Study)
13 Sep 2023
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - History ( WW2 - Local Study)
13 Sep 2023
13 Sep 2023
cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - French
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Computing
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Art
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - RSE
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Science
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Design & Technology
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Geography
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - RE
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Music
2 May 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Computing
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Science
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - RE
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - PSHE
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - History
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Art
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - French
21 Apr 2023
21 Apr 2023
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - PE - Dance
1 Mar 2023
1 Mar 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - French
1 Mar 2023
1 Mar 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - RE
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - Geography
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - Science
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - PSHE
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Design and Technology
25 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Music
21 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - PE - Fitness
21 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - PE - OAA
21 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - History
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Art
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - French
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Computing
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - RE
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - PSHE
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Science
17 Jan 2023

Key Stage 2 Learning Resources

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