Kingfishers Class

Early Years Foundation Stage

On joining Kingfishers the children will work through the Early Years Foundation Stage continuing their Learning Journey already started in nursery or preschool. The children are encouraged to continue to engage in learning through play, using both the indoor and outdoor learning areas. At the same time, they will be getting used to general school life and progressing into the National Curriculum in Year 1.

We have very close links with our local nursery and preschool and these children visit the school regularly before they start.

All children are entitled to full-time early education from the September following their 4th birthday. Parents can request to defer the date their child starts school however, we find that usually children benefit from starting together in the September term.

Key Stage 1 – Year 1

Key Stage 1 begins in Year 1 and continues to the end of Year 2, when the children will be formally assessed along with all other children of this age nationally. 

In Year 1, children begin to experience more ‘traditional’ learning, but continue to learn in the more nurturing environment, sharing staff and activities between Reception and Years 1&2. We emphasise enjoyment of learning through our Creative Curriculum and cover all areas of the National Curriculum.

Miss Jones

Kingfishers Class Teacher

Mrs Clark

Teaching Assistant

Miss Bailey

Mrs Hyde

Teaching Assistant

On This Page

On this page you will find news about our class, an overview of the work we are doing this half-term and links to online learning resources.

Your Child’s Learning Journal

Tapestry is an online journal recording all the learning and fun of children’s early years education. Staff record the children’s activities and update the information in Tapestry on a daily basis, including observations, photographs and videos .  Parents can login and see their child’s learning journal allowing them to track and celebrate their children’s progress in early years education.

Latest News From Kingfishers Class



The children had a lovely surprise, they received some caterpillars in the post. The children had a good look at the caterpillars, then started their caterpillar diaries! They wrote about the caterpillars and drew a picture. The children will continue to observe the...

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Harvesting Potatoes

Harvesting Potatoes

The children in Kingfishers Class were very excited about digging up the potatoes and seeing how many they got. The children dug through the soil with their hands collecting the potatoes. The children had to look carefully to make sure they hadn’t left any. The...

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Kingfishers Assembly – Tour Of London

Kingfishers Assembly – Tour Of London

It was Kingfishers Class' turn to perform their class assembly. The children were confident to stand up and perform to the audience. The children took the audience on a tour of London and talked about what they had enjoyed learning at school and sang ‘The Wheels on...

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Art – Landscape Farm

Art – Landscape Farm

This half term in art, the Year One children have been working on the unit of work - Landscapes using different Media - The Farm. The children thought about the question - Can we create details using controlled painting and other materials and objects? Today the...

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History – Grains

History – Grains

The children became historians. The children continued focusing on the question - Would you have rather been a farmer in Stratford St Mary in the past or now? The children recapped over last week’s learning thinking about how jobs on the farm have changed over time....

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This half term the children have been learning how to play tennis. Each week the children have been building up their skills which have included catching, hand eye coordination and movement. This has enabled the children to put the skills altogether to play tennis....

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Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge Organisers are used within the classroom and can support children in their learning, for example, remembering new knowledge and vocabulary in a particular subject.

Spring Term 1 Knowledge Organisers


Name Last Modified
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - All About Us (Year R)
15 Jan 2024
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - Art (Sculptures and Collages)
15 Jan 2024
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Spring 1 - 2024 - History (Toys)
15 Jan 2024
15 Jan 2024
15 Jan 2024
15 Jan 2024
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - PE (Team Building / OAA)
4 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - PE (Target Games)
3 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Music
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Woodland Animals (Year R)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Computing (Algorithms and Debugging)
2 Nov 2023
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - Science (Seasonal Changes)
2 Nov 2023
2 Nov 2023
2 Nov 2023
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 2 - 2023 - RE (Judaism)
2 Nov 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - People Who Help Us (Year R)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - PE (Team Building)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - PE (Fundamentals)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - Art (Art & Design Skills)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - Computing (Computing Systems & Networks - Improving Mouse Skills)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - Design & Technology (Mechanisms)
13 Sep 2023
13 Sep 2023
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - RE (Christianity)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle A - Autumn 1 - 2023 - Science (Everyday Materials)
13 Sep 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Science
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - Year R - Water
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - RSE (Year 1 & 2)
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - RSE (Year R)
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Computing (Year R)
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - RE
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Computing (Year 1)
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Geography
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 2 - 2023 - Art
8 Jun 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Year R - Seasides
22 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Computing (Year R)
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Science
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - RE
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - PSHE
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - History
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Art
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Computing (Year 1)
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Summer 1 - 2023 - Design and Technology
21 Apr 2023
21 Apr 2023
21 Apr 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - Year R - Jungle Animals
2 Mar 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - PE - Dance
1 Mar 2023
1 Mar 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - Music
1 Mar 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - Art
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - Computing
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - DT
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - Geography
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - PSHE
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - RE
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 2 - 2023 - Science
25 Feb 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Year R - Dinosaurs
22 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Music
21 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - PE - Team Building
21 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - PE - Fitness
21 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - History
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - RE
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Computing
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Art
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - Science
17 Jan 2023
Cycle B - Spring 1 - 2023 - PSHE
17 Jan 2023
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